Psychology A Division of Rosemead School of Psychology Dean: S. Bruce Narramore, Ph.D. Gary H. Strauss, Ed.D, Undergraduate Chair Faculty Professors Carter, Edwards, V. Lewis, Nar ramore, Poelstra Associat e Professors: Brady, Duvall, Kelley, Larzelere, McQueen, Strauss Assist ant Professors: Edkins, Guy, Hunter, Pike, Polite, Thomas, Wong Objectives: Biola University's psycholo gy cou rses and undergraduate major are offered th rough the Rosemead School of Psychology. The Rosemead facu lty offers cou rses from t he bachelor's level in psy chol ogy t hrough the doctorate in cl inical psychology. The psychology major pro vi des opport unities for undergraduat e stu dents to interact with theoretical, research and app lied issues concerning human dynamics, including biblical considerat ions. It is int ended that many students complet ing the major in psychology wi ll pu rsue graduate work in psychology or relat ed disci pli nes. To th is end, the undergraduat e major consists of a core of required cou rses provid ing a comprehensive foun dat ion to which is added elective courses which provi de specializat ion suited to the ind ividual student's interests and profes sional goals. Department Major: The major requ ires 32 units beyond the general educat ion re qu irement (Psy 200), 24 of which must be upper division. Psychology 200 is a prereq uisite to al l other psychology courses. Bio l ogy 3 1I is required as a support ing course. Core Courses: Statisti cs (210), Experi mental Psychology (305), Introduction t o Measurement (306), Learn ing (3 10), Social Psychology (405) and Theories of Personality (4 1I ). Department Minor: 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division. Psychology 200 is a prerequ is ite for the mino r.
304 ORGANIZATIONAL THEORYAND BEHAVIOR (3) Key concepts central to organizing and changing publ ic agencies to meet public so cial needs. Review of theories and manage r ial approaches and methodologies in pub lic administrators. 305 COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT (3) The government systems of England, France, West Germany and Russia com pared t o the American system of govern ment. Offered alternat e years. 306 PUBLIC POLICY (3) An anal ys is of public policy process and the political context of its formation . System ati c review of the diverse financial systems in making and implementing publ ic poli cy. 307 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (3 ) A survey of national-state system; forces affecting international relations; sources of confli ct in world politics, and their solut ion by power politics and international cooperation .
391 PUBLIC FINANCE (3) Traditional pri nci ples of publ ic finance, gov ernment spending and fiscal impacts, de velopment of the publ ic sector, budgets, taxation, procurement, pol lut ion and ener gy incentives, state and local expend iture patterns, propert y taxes and revenue sharing. Prerequ isit es: 30 I; Business 20 I, 202, 212. 400 POLITICAL PARTIES(3) Analysis of the hist ory, phi losophy, organi zation and funct ioning of America's politi cal parties. 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLO MACY (3) Growth and development of American foreign relations from the Revo lution to the present. Analysis of the conduct of for eign relat ions, its objectives and limitations. 406 LEGISLATION (3) The mechanical rul es, procedures and cus toms in the making of laws in Ameri can government. Offered alternat e years. 407 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA TION (3) The history, objectives, structure, funct ions and polit ics involved in the Un it ed Nations. Offered alternate years. 470 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RE SEARCH AND WRIT ING (3) Research and writing for public administra t ion majors. Special studies in publ ic ad ministration for majors uti lizing the tech niques of problem-solving, research and effective communication and writing. Pre requisite: 30 I . 480 STUDIES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE ( 1-8) Specialized study in political science in such areas as American government, legislation, stat e and local government, foreign affairs, international relat ions, political theory, comparative governments, the American presidency, the citizen and the law, political parties, law and public administration. May be repeated with different section title for a maximum of eight units.
485 PUBLIC LAW (3) Function of law in prot ecti ng the public's interest in preserving the environment. En vironmental laws, administ rative action, freedom of information, air and water qual ity, noise pol luti on, sol id waste, pesti cides, land use, zon ing, energy and agency decision making. Prerequisi te: Business 361. jun ior or senior stand ing.
Government personnel systems, merit concepts, classificat ion, compensation, training, examinations, o rganizations, labor relations and collective bargaining. Prereq uisites: 200, 30 I, 485 . 488 INTERNSH IP AN D RESEARCH PROJECT (8) Provides an opportunity to complet e an inte rnsh ip and a research project in a pub lic agency. Project consi sts of identification and analysis, w ith guidance, of a chosen area in public organ ization. 490 INTERNSHIP IN POLITICAL SCI ENCE ( 1-8) In-service trai ning and internship experi ence in various government and non-gov ernment agencies and organ izat ions. May be repeated with di fferent section titl e for a maximum of eight units.
The organization and function of student government at the un iversity level; parlia mentary procedure, committee work and similar ity t o state and nati onal legislat ive government. May be repeated for a maxi mum of four units. (Limited to Biola Asso ciated Students Council members. Stu dents working for AS. for an hourly wage may not enroll .) 320 THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY (3) Historical development of the office of the presidency; formal and informal powers of the president in executive, legislative, judi cial, military, diplomatic and political areas.
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