405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Attitude formation and change, attitude measurement, prejudice, conformity, lead ership, affiliation drives and group pro cesses. Social experiments and research. Prerequisite 210. Spring semester. 41 I THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3)1 An overview of personality theories in cluding the primary representatives of the major schools: analytic or dynamic, human istic-existential and behavioral. Fall semes ter. 414 READINGS IN PSYCHOLOGY ( 1-3) Reading and bi -weekly discussion with pro fessor of record in a topic of the student's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the professor's supervision, a de tailed course proposal and bibliography and submit with a Learning Contract form available from the departmental office. Prerequisite: senior standi ng. Either semes ter. 4 18 THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES (3) Emphasis on core facilitation skills. Sup portive, re-educative and reconstructive therapies considered. Personal growth ac tivities incorporated. (Permission on ly.) 426 SEMINAR IN GROUP COUN SELING (4) Techniques for forming goups, analyzing processes, leadership faci litators, measure ment of behavior and methods of stabiliz ing gains over time. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I 5 units in psychology and consent 428 EUROPEAN STUDY ( 1-3) Travel to places of historic interest such as Freud's museum in Vienna, Jungian Institute in Zu r ich and various cli nics in Europe. Of fered in summer on sufficient demand. 430 FAMILY INTERACTION AND THE CHILD (3) Analysis of patterns of family dynamics and thei r influence on the development of chil dren. Pathogenic family interaction and healthy family patterns emphasized . Pre requisite: 307.
chological research. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 210. Lab fee: $10. Spring semester. 306 INTRODUCTION TO MEASURE MENT (3) Theory and pri nciples of measurement in cluding the construction, reliability, validity and applicat ion of measurement devices in various professional settings. Prerequisite: 210. Spring semester. 307 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY I (3) Theory and research in the physical, emo tional. cognitive, perceptual, social and moral aspects of development Emphasis on infancy and early childhood with some consideration of the middle childhood pe riod. Fall semest er. 308 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY II (3) Theory and research focusing primarily on adolescent development with some con sideration of the pre- and post- adolescent periods. Issues considered include physio logical, psychological and social changes, identity formation, behavioral issues and moral development Spring semester. 309 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Nature, causes and treatment of abnormal behavior, including the fu ll range of mental
200 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (3) A survey of psychology as an empiri cal/behavioral science with a consideration of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian world view. Topics to be sur veyed include development, cognition, learning, motivation, physiology, socializa tion, personality and psychopathology. 203 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT - I (2) A study of the dynamics of personal ad JUStment and maturity. Includes a focus on such issues as self-esteem, the impact of parent-child relationships on adult person ality, coping with anger, guilt and depres sion and interpersonal relationships and relationship skills. Fall semester. (Not for psychology major credit) 204 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT - II (2) A continuation of 203, built on the founda tion of knowledge and skills developed duri ng the fall semester. Prerequisite 203. Spring semester. (Not for psychology ma jor credit) 210 STATISTICS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (4) Elementary stat istics for psychological re search; literature and computer analysis in sampling, probability, descriptive statistics, basic nonparametric statistics, t-tests, cor relation, regression equations and data processing. Not for general education math/science requirement Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Either se mester. Lab fee: $10. 303 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual function ing and behavior. Issues of sexuali ty are discussed within a psychologi cal and medical/health related framework. Prerequisite: Psy 200 or Biology I I I . 305 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (4) Philosophy, methodology and analysis of the experimental method. Discussions of problems in conducting and evaluating psy-
Supervised experience in mental health, educational, correctional or related facility. Open only to upper division students. Pre requisites: 306, 309 and consent Either semester.
Reading, research and discussion of various contemporary issues in the field of psy chology including current t rends and the relationship of psychology to other disci plines. For senior majors only. 480 RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY ( 1-3) Research under the guidance of the pro fessor of record which may range from the development of a proposal to comple tion of a literary, field laboratory or social research project written according to APA format The student is expected to work out, with the professor's supervision, a de tailed plan for the research to be under taken and submit with a Research Con tract form available from the departmental offi ce. Prerequ isites: 210 and advanced standing. Either semest er. The following graduate level courses may be taken by senior psychology majors with consent of the departmental chair. For course descriptions seep. 147.
disorders identified within current categorial syst ems. Fall semest er.
310 LEARNING (4) Empirical fi ndi ngs and theoretical develop ments in the area of learning and their ap plication to human behavior. Three hours lecture, three hours labo ratory. Prerequi site: 210. Lab fee: $5. Fall semester. 313 PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (3) An examination of the nature and scope of re ligious experi ence including such issues as the development of religious concepts and values, conversion, the experi ence of prayer and spiritual maturity. Attention is also given to introductory issues of the in tegration of psychology and theology.
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