The lns-CalCuCe for Family SCudies Master of Arts in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling William F. Hunter, Ph.D., Coordinator, Institute for Family Studies Faculty Professor: John Carter, Professor of Psychology, Rosemead School of Psychology; Marvin Mayers, Dean of School of lntercul tural Studies and World Missions Bruce Narramore, Dean, Rosemead School of Psychology Associate Professor: James Conway, Associate Professor of Practical Theology; Marguerite G. Kraft, Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies; Robert E. Larzalere, Associate Professor of Psychol ogy; Richard J. Mohline, Associate Profes sor of Practical Theology; H. Norman Wright, Associate Professor of Christian Education Assistant Professor: William F. Hunter, Assistant Professor of Marriage and Famil y Studies; Rex E. Johnson, Assistant Profes sor of Christian Education
ogy. Courses in the areas of chil d and ado lescent psychology, personality and social psychology are highly recommended to fulfill the remainder of the required 20 se mester hours in psychology. One course in sociology or cultural anthropology may be accepted as fulfilling the recommended area of social psychology. It is .essential that all prerequisite 20 semester hours of un dergraduate psychology be completed pri or to entrance into the program. In addition, applicants are required to have a minimum of I 8 semester hours of undergraduate courses or I 2 semester hours of graduate courses in biblical stud ies and theology, including courses in each of the following areas : Old Testament or New Testament Survey, hermeneutics or Bible study methods and systematic theol ogy. A 60-hour degree option is available to applicants who do not have the Bible and theology prerequisites. Since excellence is a major goal of this program, an undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is expected of applicants with an overall minimum com bined verbal/quantitative score of I I00 on the Graduate Record Examination. While not required, the Advanced GRE in psy chology is also recommended. Application Procedure To be admitted to the program, an ap plicant must file an Institute of Famil y Stud ies graduate application with the director of admissions of Biola University and pro vide the following: I. Transcripts and evidence of an accredited baccalaureate degree with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). 2. Five letters of recommendation three academic, a character reference and a pastor's recommendation on forms provided by the university. 3. A brief biography and statement de scribing the preparation, goals and aspi rations of the applicant relevant to this program. 4. Proof of completion of the psychology and Bible and theology prerequisites as indicated above.
The Institute for Fami ly Studies offers an interdisciplinary Master's program de signed to prepare students for the role of a professional marriage, family and child counselor. This program has been de signed to meet the academic standards in the state of California for obtaining a li cense as a marriage, family and child coun selor. Requirements for the California state license include coursework in each of the following areas: human biological, psycho logical and social development; human sex uality; psychopathology; cross-cul tural mo res and values; theories of marriage, family and child counseling; professional ethics and law; human communication; applied psychotherapeutic techniques of marriage, family and child counseling; research meth odology; psychological testing. At the con clusion of this program, graduates are re sponsible for completing 3,000 hours of supervised counseling to meet the experi ence qualification for the California state li cense. Objectives Upon completion of the program, can didates for the degree of Master of Arts in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling are expected to have acquired a strong aca demic course of study which is biblically based; attained a high level of skill and competency in counseling commensurate with the degree offered; acquired an un derstanding of personal and professional ethics in the practice of marriage, family and chi ld counseling and be prepared for the academic aspects of the state of Cali fornia written and oral licensing examina tions for marriage, family and child coun selors. Admission Information Individuals interested in admission to this graduate program must have a baccalaure ate degree from an accredited college or university with a minimum of 20 semester hours of undergraduate courses in psy chology. A specific course in each of the fo llowing areas is mandatory: introduction to psychology (general psychology), tests and measurements and abnormal psycho!-
5. Graduate Record Exami nation scores (the GRE should have been taken within the last three years). The Advanced GRE in psychology is not required but is highly recommended. 6. Submit completed profile of the M.M.P.I. 7. The closing date for applications is April I 5. Admission decisions are made on completed applications only. After the closing date for applications, evaluation will be made by the admissions commit tee of the Institute for Family Studies. A personal interview wil l be required of those applicants retained in the applicant pool. The fee for the personal interview is $50.00, payable at the time of the in terview. Arrangements for the interview are made by the admissions committee. Graduation Requirements I . A minimum of 48 semester hours of graduate-level coursework, including 41 hours of required courses and 7 hours of electives. Transfer credit from region ally accredited colleges or universities may not exceed nine semester hours. 2. A minimum of 270 clock hours. of practicum experience in an approved counsel ing agency. 3. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 with not more than two course grades of "C." A student is automatically dropped from the program following a third "C 4. Satisfactory completion of a professional exit interview with the faculty of the In stitute for Family Studies. The interview is scheduled duri ng the fourth semester of the program. 5. Completion of not less than 50 clock hours of training therapy with an ap proved therapist: approximately 25 hours of group therapy and 25 hours of individual or marital/family therapy. Thi s therapy is financed by the student. Group therapy is to be completed in the spring semester of the first year in the program. 6. All degree requirements are to be com pleted before the student rnay partici pate in th_e university's commencement ceremonies.
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