Course Descriptions The courses offered through the Insti tute for Family Studies are cross-listed with courses offered in various schools and de partments of the university. When applied to the lnstitute 's graduate program in mar riage, family and child counseling, courses are prefixed with MFC. 530 INTERPERSONAL AND CROSS CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intet"cu ltural living with fo cus on personal and interpersonal adjust ments with nationals and others; language, value confiicts, status and role, culture shock, stereotypes, cultural limitations and related topics. 572 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICA TION (3) Principles and processes of communicat ing from one culture to another. Focus on dif ferent perceptions, ways of thinking, val ues, non-verbal expression, language ex pression and sub-groups within a culture as they relate to the media and the message. 603 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHO PATHOLOGY (3) An introduction to psychopathology as it relates to an understanding of the basic in terviewing process. An introduction to dif ferent models of intervention applied in professional psychology, with an emphasis upon interpersonal constructs and upon techniques which cut across various schools of thought (Required ) 606 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Concepts and processes involved in the understanding of the psychological devel opment of t he person t hroughout t he life cycle. Major theoretical systems relevant to developmental psychology are exam ined with emphasis upon the study of cog nitive, affective and psychomotor changes manifested in childhood and adolescence. (Required.)
Sample Course Schedule Option I (For students who have fulfilled the Bible and theology prerequisites.) Fall First Year 3 MFC 606 Developmental Psychology. . 3 MFC 673 Biblical Foundations of the Family . 2 MFC 675 Family Life Education 4 MFC 603 Introduction to Psychopathology.
6 15 TRAINING THERAPY (GROUP) (0) For official indication on the student's tran scri pt of required personal growth experi ence th rough group training therapy. (Re quired, non-credit) 6 16 TRAINING THERAPY (INDIVIDUA L, MARITAL OR FAMILY) (0) For official ind ication on the student's tran script of required personal growth experi ence through an ind ividual, marital or fam ily training therapy. (Required , non-credit) 627 PREMARITAL PREPARATION AND COUNSELING (2) Counseling techn iques applied to dating and courtship, engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of the TJTA, Prepare and Fami ly History analysis. (Elective.) 628 MARITAL COUNSELI NG (4) Study of marriage and marriages. What makes a marriage funct ional and dysfunc t ional. Couple therapy is studied, demon strated, and practiced with an emphasis on negotiation, communication and reeducation ski lls. Development of a bibli cal perspective on couple therapy. Course is conducted with demonstrations, case studies and involvement in couple therapy. (Required.)
Option 2 (For students who have not fulfilled the Bible and theology prerequi sites.)
First Year
MFC 603 Introduction to Psychopathology.
3 3
MFC 606 Developmental Psychology. MFC 673 Biblical Foundations of the Family .
2 4 2
MFC 675 Family Life Education
Bible/Theology .
Spring MFC 662 Family Systems .. MFC 663 Human Sexuality.
3 3
MFC 662 Fami ly Systems . . MFC 663 Human Sexuality.
3 3
MFC 65 1 Survey of MaritaVFamily Assessment.
3 2
MFC 651 Survey of Mar itaVFamily Assessment. MFC 690 Prepracticum . . . . . . . .
MFC 690 Prepracticum .
3 2 4
Bible/Theology .
Second Year
MFC 628 Marriage and Family Counseling . 4 MFC 650 Statistics and Family Research. 3 MFC 66 MFC 5 Practicum I . Electives ... (IMFC 660 or lntercultural Cour 3 3 se) .
Second Year
MFC 628 Marriage and Family Counseling . . . 4 MFC 650 Statistics and Family Research . 3 MFC 66 MFC 5 Practicum I . Electives. (IMFC 660 or lntercultural Course Bible/Theology 3 3 2 2
Training in the principles of counseling and therapy in a group setting. The course it self used as a laboratory experience with the student participating both in the role of therapist and client (Elective.) 630 SEX ROLES IN SOCIETY (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cul tures. Focus on responsibilities, obligations, expectations, leadership and interrelationships as they relate to the soci ety as a whole.
MFC 71
1 Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues 6 Practicum II. 1 Nature and Scope of Integration Electives. (IMFC 660
2 3
MFC 66 MFC 72
MFC 71
I Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues 66 Practicum II. 1 Nature and Scope of Integration Electives. (I MFC 660
3 4
2 . . . 3
. . .
MFC 6 MFC 72
or lntercultural Course) .
3 4
or lntercultural Course)
Bible/Theology .
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