

ence. Various training techniques em­ ployed in a small group setting, including empathy training, demonstrations and audio-video feedback. (Required.) 7 1I SEMINAR IN ETHICAL AND PRO­ FESSIONAL ISSUES (2) A study of licensing and the ethics of pro­ fessional practice, relationships to other professional individuals and organizations, and California Famil y Law. Special attention is given to Codes of Ethics of the American Psychological Association and the national and state associations of marriage and fam­ ily therapists. (Required.) 712 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, directed reading or special problems in marriage and family therapy. Such work must be done with the approv­ al and supervision of an Institute faculty member who will be designated as the professor of record. The student is ex­ pected to submit a detailed course pro­ posal and bibliography with a learning con­ tract form available from the coordinator of the Institute for Family Studies. Required courses may not be taken through inde­ pendent study. No more than three se­ mester hours of credit in independent study may be applied to the Master of Arts degree. (Elective.) 72 1NATURE AND SCOPE OF INTE­ GRATION (3) This required course includes a discussion of the models, levels and areas in which in­ tegration of the theological and psychologi­ cal can occur, as well as a framework for conceptualizing the scope of integration. (Required.) 75 1 PRESCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) The child from birth to age five years with emphasis on parental education within the church, implications development for Christian education and organization of church ministries related to preschool edu­ cation. (Elective.)

753 CH ILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) The child from age six to twelve years with emphasis on development of moral and rel igious values, cognitive processes and social relationships. In addition, an analysis is made of home and church ministries re­ lated to childhood education. (Elective.) 76 1YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) Finding and meetin'g adolescent needs, writing objectives for youth ministry, lead­ ership of learning experiences and out­ reach experiences, disciple-building and review of available resources. Develop­ ment of personal plans for ministry. (Elective.) 771 YOUNG ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) Survey of issues confronting young adults in contemporary life and opportunities for the church within the concept of ministry to assist those in young adu lthood in meet­ ing these issues. Special attention to the areas of single adults and si ngle parents. (Elective.) 772 OLDER ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) Focus on the gerontological needs (i.e. , physiological, sociological, psychological) of older adults and on the opportunities for the church within the concept of ministry to work with the community to assist in meeting these needs. Emphasis on the val­ ue of educational development and the older person's significance and need to contribute to the church body. (Elective.) 778 MIDDLE ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) A study of issues and developmental tasks of adults in the midd le years. Attention to the ministry of meeting the needs and uti­ lizing the potential of mid-life adults. (Elec­ tive.)

650 STATISTICS AND FAMILY RESEARCH (3) An introduction to statistics and research methodology designed to help family therapists develop a sensitivity to the con­ tributions research findings can make to professional practice. (Required.) 65 1 SURVEY O F MARITA L AND FAMILY ASSESSMENT (3) Introduction to assessment, including train­ ing in administration and interpretation of t he MMPI, CPI and other major instru­ ments utilized in marriage, family and child counseling. (Required.) 660 FAMILY COMMUNICATION PAT ­ TERNS (3) Various styles and communication systems employed by families, and the effects of such patterns upon interpersonal develop­ ment (Elective.) 662 FAMILY SYSTEMS(3) The concept ual groundwork for a systems approach to intervention. Diagnostic issues and procedures in relation to family sys­ tems integrated with a theoretical base for treatment strategies. Optimally functional (healthy) family systems contrasted with dysfunctional (unhealthy) family systems. Includes a survey of major approaches to marital and family therapy. (Required .) 663 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning and behavior, relation­ ships and feelings w it hin the contemporary cultural milieu. (Required.) 665 PRACTICUM IN MARRIAGE, FAM­ ILY AND CHILD COUNSELING I (3) Supervised clinical experiences, including assessment, diagnosis, prognosis and treat­ ment of interpersonal relationship dysfunc­ tions. Such agencies as hospitals, private and public clinics, schools and rnunseling centers utilized. (Required.) 666 PRACTICUM IN MARRIAGE, FAM­ ILY AND CHILD COUNSELING II (3) Continuation of MFC 665. (Required.)

667 PRACTICUM IN MARRIAGE, FAM­ ILY AND CH ILD COUNSELING Ill ( 1-3) Continuation of MFC 665-666. (Elective.) 67 1, 672 MARITAUFAMILY EVALUA­ TION AND INTERVENTION TECH­ N IQUES I, II, (3) (3) Clinical practice of marital and family ther ­ apy with emphasis on t heoretical founda­ tions, intake procedures, assessment, and intervention. A specific training model will be chosen each time the course is offered, depend ing upon the instructor's interests and specialization. Models recently empha­ sized have included Bowen Family Ther­ apy, Structural-Strategic Family Therapy, and Behavioral Approaches to MaritaVFamily Therapy. Concurrent enroll­ ment in a practicum offering opportunities for experience with couples ancVor families may also be required. The Structural-Stra­ tegic model will emphasize live supervision. Prerequisite: second year standing. 673 BIBLICAL FO UNDATIONSOF THE FAMILY (2) Biblical teachings about marriage, family and human relationships related to the nu­ clear and extended famil ies, early marriage and parenting skills. (Required.) 675 FAMI LY LIFE EDUCATION (4) Objectives, organization and administra­ tion of family life education programs. In­ cludes an analysis of current trends in fam­ ily life education. (Required.) Intensive focus is given to a selected topic of contemporary interest, such as fami ly violence, divorce, substance abuse, sex role issues, professionalization and licens­ ing, et cetera. 690 PREPRACTICUM IN THERAPEUT IC COMMUNICATION (2) Primary interpersonal skills and counseling techniques assessed and facilitated prior to the student's first practicum field experi- 680 TOPICS AND ISSUES IN MARITAUFAMILY THERAPY (2)


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