
"I Jove sociology! My studies have helped me appreciate the differences of cultures and people. The professors in Biola's sociology department care ve.ry much for the students. I appreciate the way my classes integrate sociology with faith and I'm looking forward to going home to Kenya and using what I've learned." - Esther Muinde Sociology Student

Department of Sociology


Professor: Nishida Associate Professors: Fox Assistant Professor: Liao

Objectives: The sociology major is designed to acquaint the student with the principal problems and issues in sociology; to teach application of knowledge to occupations and professions and to prepare for further graduate study. Upon completion of the major in sociology , the student should be able to identify the foremost individuals, their work and major ideas of any given period of the development of social thought; use in a meaningful way the terminology of sociology and other social sciences so as to evaluate the content of learned periodicals and converse with others in the related fields; feel a deep persona l concern for human need due to a systematic exposure to the pressing social dilemmas that face us daily ; appreciate the relevance of sociolog­ ical insight to the Christian who would be aware , caring , progres­ sive and productive; clarify the basic tensions between sociology and theology (both actual and imagined) ; defend the study of sociology as a desirable Christian liberal arts major and as a necessary prerequisite for a wide range of professional fields; develop a rather well-defined personal theoretical orientation in terms of past as well as existing social theory; participate with social and religious agencies on a paraprofessional level through direct involvement in social work, correctional work , rehabi lita­ tion, hot line service or counseling; formulate sound critical judgments of current social research ; conduct independent study or research and produce scholarly results ; and proceed to graduate school with a competitive undergraduate background of prepara­ tion for both professional Christian ministries and work in gov­ ernment agencies dealing with probation , welfare , police protec­ tion and other public services in sociology and related fields. Department Major: 30 units , of which 24 must be upper division, including 220, 441 , 442, 443 and 444 . In addition , Psychology 210 is required as a supporting course . Department Minor: 18 units of sociology of which 15 units must

be upper division courses. 220 SOCIOLOGY (3)

Sociological concepts with emphasis on group life , culture, socialization, social institutions , social processes and change. Theoretical as well as practical application of interaction and its effect on individuals in groups .


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