
261 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK AS A CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (3) An appraisal of social work as a profession; and the personal and spiritual qualifications necessary to enter social work. Field visits to selected social agencies ; guest lecturers. Open to all interested students. 320 MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY (3) Preparation for marriage through proper mate selection process; benefits, challenges and probl ems of the marital dyad ; economic, legal , physical, sexual , social , psychological and spiritual areas of analysis of American courtship and marriage patterns; Chri s­ tian and non-Christian perspectives. 330 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3) Character, extent and cause of juvenile delinquency; both per­ sonal and environmental. Past and current theories of youth crime; modern methods of incarceration , control and treatment. Changing response of the laws, police , courts and the public . 333 CRIMINOLOGY (3) Social and psycholog ical factors in crimina l behavior; criminal law and criminal justice; prevention and control: trends in theory and correct ional procedures , probation , parole . 335 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR (3) Theoretical orientations to social as well as personal disorganiza­ tion that results from role confl ict, social confl ict, normlessness or alienation ; individual and social deviance that relates to group processes and structures will be presented and di scussed . 340 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY (3) Ana lysis of the socia l processes or policies and government ; including democracy , totalitarianism , soc iali sm, fascism, marx­ ism, communi sm, conservat ism and liberalism. Power authority and voting behavior of social groups, issues and influences on political processes in the United States will be stressed. 342 ETHNIC AND MINORITY GROUPS (3) Analysis of ethnic, racial and cu ltural minorities in the United States through use of basic concepts of race , racism , prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes; theoretical as we ll as practical ap­ plication of concepts and effects on selected minority-majority relationships and rac ial, ethnic and cultural groups. 346 URBAN SOCIOLOGY (3) The urban community and urbani zation; its growth, institutions , va lues and problems ; scientifi c study of population from the spatial patterning and mobility viewpoint; effect of urbanizati on upon institutions; social re lations and national economy . 349 POPULATION (3) Population theory , composition, distribution. growth and mi gra­ tion with differential fertility and mortality rates of groups and nations; national and international mi gration and overpopul ation prob lems. 352 SOCIAL CONTROL (3) The processes by which conformity of the indi vidual to the group is obtained and by which social organization is established and maintained. 353 FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS (3) Theoretical and practical orientations of the structure and dyna­ mics of organizations such as schools, hospitals , industries , pri s­ ons and government agencies. Analysis in terms of self actual iza­ tion, alienation, human relations , communication and organ iza­ tional confl icts. 354 SOCIAL INTERACTION (3) Sociological contributions to theory and research in social psychology bearing on the relationships between cu lture and group life to human behavior and personality; analysis of sym-

bolic processes, role behavior , psycho- soc ial processes and social reference groups; sociali zation and the social aspect, attitudes, values and beliefs in relationship to groups. Prereq­ uisite: Psychology 210. 355 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY (3) Sociological description and anal ys is of the health and medical institutions; cultural factors in conceptions of di sease , health and the healing profession. Social structure and the role of personnel in medi cal facilities; relation of illness to income , housing , occupation, pl ace of residence and other soc io-economic factors. 356 SOCIOLOGY OF ADULT LIFE AND AGING (3) Nature , theory and fun ctions of aging; ex isting approaches to death and dying. Western and non-western experiences com­ pared . 357 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND PROFESSIONS (3) Development of occupational ro les with emphasis on specializa­ tion, di vis ion of labor and mobility; impac t of occupations on the family, economy , gove rnment , education and religion ; spec ial focus on development of work and professions in the United States. 362 SOCIAL PROBLEMS (3) Major probl ems of social maladjustment from the viewpo int of the underl ying processes of indi vidual and social di sorgani zation ; deviant behavior , such as mental di sorders , crime and delinquen­ cy, suicide , drug and alcohol addic tion ; social disorganization , such as population problems , fam il y, poverty and war . 363 SOCIAL WELFARE AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION (3) Mankind ' s at tempts to meet various types of human need. Child neglect and abuse , crime and de li nquency , poverty , problems of the handicapped , families in conflict and individual personality problems . Overview of the cu ltural , social , economic and politi­ cal phenomena which have historically influenced the evol ution of social we lfa re. Emphasis upon Judeo-Christian founda tions and the men and women who have sign ificant ly alleviated soc ial ills. 367 FIELD INSTRUCTION I (3) Opportunity to integrate classroom learning with act ual on-the­ job training in a social work agency . Variety of avai lable agency settings with placement based upon interest and academic back­ ground. 368 FIELD INSTRUCTION II (3) Professional services to clients by integrating knowledge , atti­ tudes and ski ll s in more complex soc ial work goals; applicat ion to a wider variety of c li ent problems in a socia l work agency. 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analysis of religious practices that affect society and soc ietal factors that affec t religious practices; Christian and non-Christian beliefs and institutions. 441 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL THOUGHT (3) Outstanding social thinkers to the 19th century; ideas of men compared and contrasted within the various societies as back­ ground to the development of contemporary sociolog ical theory. 442 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Survey of soc iolog ical theory with emphasis on 20th century contributions; status of soc iological inquiry and theory; re la­ tionship of sociology to such alli ed fields as an thropology , psy­ chology, economics, education and political sc ience. Prerequi ­ sites: Psychology 21 O; Sociology 441 and 18 units of sociology. continued 103

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