
For full statement of satisfactory academic progress please see page 19. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accre­ dited or recognized institution and should have 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. A combined score of IOOO for verbal and quantitative on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is re­ quired . A 2. 75 grade point average must be maintained to remain in the program. Evidence of success in teaching and of high moral character is also required. Application must be submitted on a graduate application form. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Requirements for the degree include the successful completion of 32 semester hours of prescribed and elective courses and the passing of a comprehensive written examination covering the fields of study. A minimum of 24 of the 32 required units must be completed in residency at Biola. The project in the Field Work course is to be written up as a short thesis and deposited in the library to be part of a growing contribution of the university toward improved Christian school education. Electives must be pertinent to the program. A maximum of six units of 400 level education courses may be used as electives toward the degree. Prior approval is required. All degree requirements must be completed before the student may participate in the commence­ ment ceremonies. A graduation petition must be filed one year in advance with the graduate graduation counselor in the office of admissions and records. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1) The candidate must hold a valid teaching certificate or have completed the preparation required to secure one; 2) the candi­ date must have completed at least two years of successful teaching in.a Christian or public school prior to the granting of the

degree; and 3) the candidate must be involved in some aspect of Christian service while he is in the program. Biola University is approved to grant Association of Christian Schools administrative certificates. To be recommended , the candidate must also qualify for an ACSI teaching certificate . COURSE REQUIREMENTS: FlRST YEAR (PART-TIME): 511 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION 4 605 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SUPERVISION 4 610 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FlNANCE 2 612 SCHOOL LAW 2 ELECTIVES 4 SECOND YEAR (PART-TIME): 560 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF 2 EDUCATION 606 FIELD WORK IN ADMINISTRATION 2 607 PROJECT IN ADMINISTRATION 2 608 SCHOOL COUNSELING 2 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM 4 DEVELOPMENT 623 EVALUATION OF TEACHING 2 AND LEARNING ELECTIVES 2-4 650 COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAMINATlON 0 Total 32 *For course descriptions see page 114 Students in the Master of Arts program will be required to take four graduate units of Bible and theology through Talbot Theolo­ gical Seminary and School of Theology in place of the elective units if they have not had such courses. Prior approval is required. This requirement may also be met by 8 units of undergraduate Bible/Theology courses. These will not count toward the re­ quired 32 units for graduation, however.


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