
"Bio/a added new dimensions to my life. Balanced spiritually and academically, the education program prepared me for ministry as a Christian teacher and administrator. The education department faculty are personable and supportive. I thank God for my Bio/a experience and praise the Lord for providing quality teachers. ,, - Tim Stanske M.A. Education Graduate

Master of Arts in Education OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the Master of Arts in Education , it is in­ tended that the candidate: understand the theory and practice of the Christian philosophy of education and other foundation areas; have a thorough knowledge of curriculum design and instruction­ al procedures and have practiced these in a school setting; and have engaged in research relating to the subject in which he instructs , resulting in a pr9ject designed to improve his compe­ tence in the field. This program is designed to strengthen the capabilities of teachers. It provides a study of foundations, curriculum and instruction and the results of research - all designed to improve teaching and learning. The program combines theory with prac­ tice throughout using field experience with the course work culminating in a project. It seeks to integrate Christian truth through all of the courses and field experiences. Courses in Bible and theology are required of those who lack preparation in those areas . This program is designed to be taken on a part-time basis so that it will be available to those who are employed full-time. Courses are offered in late afternoon and early evening both during the school year and in summer sessions. The program can be com­ pleted in two full years or four summers. A maximum of eight units of electives and / or transfer credit may be accepted. The program must be completed within five years. Nine units of course load is considered full-time status for all graduate stu­ dents . ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accre­ dited or recognized institution and must have 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. Those not meeting this requirement, if accepted will be placed on probation. A combined score of l000 for verbal and quantitative on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required. Application must be submitted on a graduate applica­ tion form. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Requirements for the degree include the successful completion of 32 semester units of prescribed and elective courses and the passing of a comprehensive written examination covering the fields of study. A minimum of 24 of the 32 required units must be completed in residency at Biola. A maximum of six units of 400 level education courses may be used as electives toward the degree. Prior approval is required. The required project must be written up as a short thesis and presented to the education depart­ ment. All degree requirements must be completed before the

student may participate in the commencement ceremonies. A graduation petition must be filed one year in advance with the graduate graduation counselor in the office of admissions and records. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: FIRST YEAR (PART-TIME): 535 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN EDUCATION 2 560 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION 2 612 SCHOOL LAW 2 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM 4 DEVELOPMENT 623 EVALUATION OF TEACHING AND 2




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Total 32 Candidates for the master of arts degree will be required to take four graduate units of Bible and/or theology through Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology in place of the elective units if they have not had such courses. Prior approval is required. This requirement may be met by eight units of under­ graduate Bible /Theology courses. These will not count toward the required 32 units for graduation, however. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 501 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ORGANIZATION (3) A survey of current theory and practice of Christian schools in the areas of philosophy , administration, supervision , curriculum , instruction , testing , counseling, finance and law. Designed for those seeking a broad understanding of the purposes and activities of these schools. (Offered summer school only.) 511 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (4) Analysis of administrative duties and responsibilities relative to school board , faculty , staff, pupils , parents and community. 512 INDIVIDUALIZING INSTRUCTION (2) Individual differences and means of making instruction more relevant through analysis of needs , differentiated assignments and classroom activities . 517 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (2) Application of psychological research and theory to the problems of learning, motivation, class organization and control , and be­ havior differences.


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