
Church Music cont.


525 LITERATURE (I) Current literature and available resources for music and the arts. 532 VOCAL TECHNIQUES (2) The proper care and use of the voice in speech and singing; the diagnosis and correction of vocal problems for the choral conduc­ tor. 533 , 534 APPLIED MUSIC: VOICE (I , 1) 535, 536 APPLIED MUSIC: CONDUCTING (1, 1) 545,546 APPLIED MUSIC: ARRANGING (I, 1) 551,552 APPLIED MUSIC: INSTRUMENTS(! , 1) 555, 556 APPLIED MUSIC: ORGAN (I, 1) 611 ADMINISTRATION/GROUP DYNAMICS (3) An investigation into the organization and supervision of a com­ plete church music program for the local church. Particular emphasis is given to a study of leadership qualities and group dynamics. 631/632 PRACTICUM (3, 3) Two semesters of supervised field work in a local church involv­ ing a minimum of five hours a week, as well as seminars to discuss the student's progress. A written report is required at the end of each semester. During the second semester a festival service is required which is to be completely planned, organized and conducted by the student. This service is to envolve con­ gregation, choir and instruments, and one other media. 650 FINAL PROJECT (0) A formal paper stating the student's personal philosophy of church music and an oral examination covering the fo llowing topics : worship, church music history and administration.

501 WORSHIP AND LITURGIES (3) A study of the meaning and psychology of both individual and corporate Christian worship, its biblical basis as well as its historical and contemporary dimensions. Special emphasis is given to the resources , planning and conducting of creative ser­ vices for the local church. 502 CHURCH MUSIC HISTORY (3) A survey of the practice of church music for congregation , choir and instruments from biblical times to the present. (I) The basic skills of handbell ringing and appropriate literature. 521 HANDBELL WORKSHOP 522 INSTRUMENTAL WORKSHOP ( 1) A study of the potential for instrumental music in the local church, current publications and possible combinations of instru­ ments. (I) A study of the development of the child and adolescent who is active in the music ministry ; the unchanged and changing voices; suitable choral literature and accompaniments. 523 CHILDREN/YOUTH CHOIR WORKSHOP 524 MUSIC/DRAMA WORKSHOP (I) The purposes of music-drama in the local church; available mate­ rials integrating various media; a study of the equipment and methods needed for proper lighting and sound production.


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