parables of Christ , rules governing their interpretation and their dispensational import and application in modern preaching. Elec tive for Th .M. students; others by department permission. BE 802 MIRACLES (2) A study of the miracles of Christ, their setting, interpretation, dispensational significance and application in modern preaching. Elective for Th .M. students; others by department permission. BE 803 BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY (2) A presentation of the cultural development of the Holy Land and nations of the Fertile Crescent in relation to Israel , the strategic location of the Holy Land , the climate and topography, and the location of important place names. Elective for Th .M. students; others by department permission. BE 804 THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE (2) The fascinating story of how our English Bible is traced from the ancient manuscripts to the latest modern versions. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission. BE 805 BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY (2) A survey of problems in chronology throughout Scripture with special emphasis given to more crucial areas, such as Genesis I , the judges and the kings , and matters relating to Christ. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission.
BE 719 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION OF PRAYER (2) An exposition of representative prayers and the teaching about prayer in the Old and New Testaments , with special emphasis on the nature of the Father, the example and teaching of Jesus , the role of the Holy Spirit , and the requirements of discipleship. Elective . BE 720 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION OF REWARD (2) An expository survey of the believer's future reward according to representative passages in both testaments , also a comparison with concepts in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha , Dead Sea
scrolls and Rabbinic Judaism. Elective. BE 721 PROBLEM PASSAGES (1-2)
A study of selected important problem passages of both testa ments in the light of hermeneutical principles, including a survey of literature in the field . Elective. BE 722 BIBLICAL SEMINAR (2) Guided research in some biblical area relating to exposition , according to the student's need and relevancy to ministry. Elec tive. BE 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for M.A. (B.S., B.E.) and Th.M. (Bible ) students. BE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis. * BE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis. * BE 801 PARABLES (2) A survey of the parables in the Bible with special emphasis on the
*BE 797 and 798 are prescribed for 1he M. Div. s111de111s majoring in 1his depamne/11 who will wrile a 1hesis. BE 797 will be 1aken al 1he comple1ion of64 11n irs and BE 798 al /he comple1ion of 80 uni ls. Nei1her of 1he lwo is applicable 1oward gradua1ion unless bo1h have been complered.
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