
tion of the historical problems which are involved . Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 719 EXEGESIS OF THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) An examination of I Timothy, II Timothy and Titus; research on selected portions by the student. Prerequisite:NT 505. Elective.* NT 720 EXEGESIS OF THE APOCALYPSE (2) A study based on the original text; term project by the student on an assigned subject. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 721 EXEGESIS OF THE GOSPEL OF MARK (2) Translation of the Greek text. Exegesis of selected portions. Introduction to the critical problems . Consideration of the im­ portance and contributions of this book. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective .* NT 722 EXEGESIS OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE (2) Extensive translation in the Gospel. Exegesis of selected por­ tions. Consideration of the contribution of this book to one's knowledge of the life of Christ. Examination of style and voca­ bulary of Luke . Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 723-724 ADVANCED GREEK GRAMMAR (2, 2) An intensive study of A. T. Robertson' s A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research along with other standard works on grammar. Prerequisite: NT 505, 506, 603 and 604. Elective.* NT 725 EXEGESIS OF I CORINTHIANS 12-14 (2) An exegetical analysis of this section with particular attention given to areas of difficulty regarding the subject of spiritual gifts. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 727 NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY (2) New Testament historical backgrounds and archaeology. Pre­ scribed for M.A. (B.S., N.T.) students. NT 728 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (2) A study of the history , philosophy , textual basis, theological perspective and style of various English translations of the New Testament. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for M.A . (B.S., N.T.) and Th. M. (N.T.) students. NT 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis. **


The origin and history of textual criticism. Study of the relative value of manuscripts and the examination of textual theories. Prerequisite: NT 716. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission.* NT 805 THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS (2-4) Introduction to and examination of the Synoptic Problem in a Greek harmony of the Gospels and scholarly works on the sub­ ject. Special attention to the similarities and differences, the importance and unique contribution of each Gospel account. Prerequisite: NT 716 . Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission.* NT 806 THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (3) Introduction to the book , the emphasis upon its importance and its historicity. Translation of the text with exegesis of certain sec­ tions . Comparison of style with that of Luke's Gospel and com­ parison of Peter's and Paul's speeches with their epistles. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission.* NT 808 COMPARATIVE STYLE OF NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS (3) Comparison of style, vocabulary and theological concepts of the various New Testament writers on the basis of selected portions of the writings of each in the Greek New Testament. Elective for

Th.M. students ; others by department permission. NT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR (2-4, 2-4)

Principles of thorough research. Supervised research into some problem of special interest to the student approved by the profes­ sor. Periodic reports of progress to the other members of the seminar and abstract of conclusions reached. May be taken for one semester or continued throughout the year with the same problem under consideration. Prescribed one semester, for Th. M. (N.T.) students ; others by department permission.* *Elect ives are offered by rotation and 011 request. **NT 797 and 798 are prescribed for the M. Div. studems majoring in this departme/11 who will write a thesis. NT 797 will be taken at the completion of64 units, and NT 798 at the completion of80 units. Neither ofthe two is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed.


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