
Rosemead Programs cont.

designs appropriate to clinical investigations and who will be critical consumers of research and able to conduct systematic investigations on topics of clinical relevance. Consequently, re­ search training at Rosemead is focused on human research . In addition to the core requirements shared with the Psy.D. program (including an internship), the Ph.D. program at Rosemead requires both an M.A. level research project and successful completion of an original dissertation research project. For students without previous graduate study, the Ph.D. program requires approximately five years of full-time study. Graduates of Rosemead's Ph.D. program generally seek out either full-time professional careers or positions involving a combination of clinical and academic responsibilities.

generally award the Psy .D. degree. Professional-scientist pro­ grams may culminate in either the Psy.D. or the Ph.D. and scientist-professional programs culminate in the Ph.D. As a professional school, Rosemead offers programs following both the professional training model and the professional­ scientist model. Rosemead's professional training model leads to the Psy.D. and its professional-scientist model to the Ph.D. A student whose primary goal is to become a research psychologist with extensive training in scientific psychology and human and animal research should seek out a more traditional scientist­ professional model of training. DEGREE PROGRAMS MASTER OF ARTS DEGREE Rosemead's Master of Arts degree is largely designed as a step­ ping stone for students in the doctoral programs. Under special circumstances, however, students can be admitted to a terminal Master of Arts program in clinical psychology. THE DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY DEGREE The Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in clinical psychology is designed to train practitioners in professional psychology. In contrast to the traditional scientist-professional model of training that is designed to train researchers or clinicians with strong research interests, Rosemead's Psy.D. program is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in applied areas of clinical psychology. While all students receive training in the basic areas of scientific psychology relevant to the practice of psychology, the focus of Psy .D. training is on the development of professional skills and the utilization of theory and research in professional practice. The research focus is on the consumption of research rather than the generation of new scientific findings. Psy.D. graduates are expected to have an adequate knowledge of psychological theory, assessment and intervention, to have a sensitivity to their own personal functioning, to have a probing stance toward human problems that includes an awareness of relevant research issues and findings, and to be alert to the ongoing professional and ethical issues in the field of professional psychology. While Rosemead's Psy.D. program requires a dis­ sertation, topics may be chosen with greater flexibility in clinical­ professional areas than is typical for the Ph.D. For students without previous graduate study, the Psy.D. program requires approximately five years of full-time study, including a full-time clinical internship during the fifth year. THE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEGREE The Ph.D. degree in psychology at Rosemead signifies comple­ tion of a course of study designed to prepare students for careers combining professional and academic activities. Rosemead's Ph.D. follows a professional-scientist training model (as opposed to both the professional model of Rosemead's Psy.D. and the scientist-professional model of most university based Ph.D. programs). This program, while still placing its major focus on professional training, has a stronger research component than Rosemead's Doctor of Psychology program. It does not, howev­ er, (as most scientist-professional Ph.D. programs do) place the primary emphasis on the development of research skills. Re­ search training in Rosemead's Ph .D. program is designed to prepare professional psychologists who are trained in research


Rosemead maintains an outpatient psychological service and training center, the Rosemead Counseling Service. This clinic has two branches (one off-campus) and offers a wide range of psychological services to adults and children. It also provides on-campus training opportunities for students. The clinic is equipped with one-way vision glass for case observation and video-taping facilities. Students also receive supervised clinical experiences at the practicum agencies listed later in this bulletin. Computer facilities for research are available on campus utilizing a Hewlett-Packard 3000 with 512K bytes of core memory and 220 megabytes of on-line disk storage. Students also use the IBM 370/ 158-3 computer at the University of Southern California with 6,000K bytes of core. Rosemead has two computer termin­ als, a GE Terminet 30 with dual magnetic cassettes, 132 character printer and an ADM video terminal. The Terminet 30 can be used to access the HP 3000 or the IBM, 370/ 158-3 for time sharing or remote job entry batch processing. Two widely used statistical packages are available: the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and the Bio-Medical Computer Programs - Series P . Compilers for both Basic and Fortran IV programming languages are also available. Rosemead also maintains a research laboratory providing space for animal and human research.


As a professional school located in a large metropolitan area, Rosemead utilizes the services of a number of persons from the larger professional community in its academic and clinical pro­ grams. Whether as part-time faculty or as consultants, this roster is multidisciplinary and enables Rosemead to enrich its training programs. Academic and clinical consultants do not serve <\S advisors to Rosemead students or as chairpersons of dissertation committees but they do participate in all other academic activi­ ties. The following professional persons are either currently or have been recently involved in some aspect of Rosemead's academic or clinical programs: Ollie Backus, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Individual Didactic Psychotherapy Charles Bradshaw, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School Developmental Psychology


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