
literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, de­ sign, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing. The student's dissertation research is supervised by a faculty chairman and committee. The final stage requires the student to successfully sustain an Oral Defense of the disserta­


The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a learning theory perspective. Spe­ cial attention to parent counseling. Elective. RPLB 653 VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) A study of vocational development and vocational choice as a point of focus in psychotherapy. Attention is given to values clarification, personality and adjustment factors, measurement of aptitudes and interests and decision-making skills. Special con­ sideration is given to assessment tools, informational aids and supportive community resources within the context of integrating vocational development with professional psychological prac­ tice. Prerequisites: RPSY 642 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 671 MARITAL/FAMILY EVALUATION AND INTERVENTION TECHNIQUES I (3) A study of the literature and practice of marital and family therapy, with emphasis on diagnostic procedures and the applica­ tion of specific therapeutic techniques to dysfunction within the marital dyad. The first semester emphasizes diagnostic interview­ ing in a clinic setting where students carry responsibility for psychological assessment, interviewing, report-writing and ther­ apeutic recommendations in selected clients. Concurrent enroll­ ment in a practicum offering opportunities for experience with couples and/or families is required. Prerequisite: RPSY 642 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 672 MARITAL/FAMILY EVALUATION AND INTERVENTION TECHNIQUES II (3) Continuation ofRPLB 672. Major consideration will be given in the second semester to issues such as premarriage, communica­ tion, divorce and sexual dysfunction as aspects of marital ther­ apy. Concurrent enrollment in a practicum offering opportunities for experience with couples and/or families is required. Pre­ requisites: RPLB 671 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 681 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY I (2 or 3) An advanced course in psychodynamic psychotherapy dealing with issues such as impairments of the therapeutic relationship, acting out, levels and timing of interpretations and psychotherapy with individuals suffering from disturbances in early object rela­ tionships. Prerequisites: RPLB 631, RPLB 632 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 682 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY II (2 or 3) Continuation of RPLB 681. Prerequisite: RPLB 681 and permis­ sion of instructor. Elective. RPLB 702 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION I (3) A seminar in case supervision. Students are responsible for super­ vising the professional experiences of less advanced students. Prerequisites: admission to doctoral studies and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 703 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION II (3) Continuation ofRPLB 702. Prerequisites: RPLB 702 and permis­ sion of instructor. Elective.

tion. Required for all doctoral programs. RPSY 731 INTERNSHIP IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (0)

Professional experience of not less than 1500 hours in an in­ ternship facility approved by the Professional Training Com­ mittee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying ex­ amination (Psy. D.) or professional interview (Ph.D.), and approval of a dissertation proposal. Required for all doctoral programs. PSYCHOTHERAPY LABORATORY COURSES This series of elective courses is designed to effect a working integration of conceptual and experimental aspects of psychother­ apy. Ph.D. students are required to take 12 units of PLB courses and Psy.D. students, 21 units. Each course includes both course work and supervised clinical experience within the psychother­ apy model followed in the specific course. Completion of RPSY 603 and RPSY 690 is required before enrollment in these courses is permitted. RPLB 605 BEHAVIOR THERAPY (3) The observation, assessment and modification of human be­ havior, including operant, respondent and cognitive models. Emphasis is on supervised client interaction . Prerequisite: RPSY Techniques and problems in psychotherapy with adolescents. Special attention is focused on the implications of developmental processes of adolescence on treatment approaches. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 631 PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY I (3) An in-depth study of the process of therapy giving special atten­ tion to the concepts of transference, countertransference, resist­ ance and interpretation. Prerequisite: RPSY 552, participation in individual training therapy and permission of instructor. Enroll­ ment must be planned for both RPLB 631 and RPLB 632. Elective. RPLB 632 PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY II (3) Continuation of RPLB 631 . Prerequisites: RPLB 631 and permis­ sion of the instructor. Elective. RPLB 635 PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (3) Assessment and treatment strategic for all of the major handicap­ ping categories as currently defined by the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped. Emphasis is on supervised client interac­ tion. Prerequisites: RPSY 641. Elective. RPLB 641 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH GROUPS (3) The essentials of the group psychotherapy process are examined and related to current modalities in psychotherapy and general group phenomena. Elective. 604 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 613 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH THE ADOLESCENT (3) RPLB 642 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH CHILDREN (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a psychoanalytic developmental perspective. Special attention is given to parent counseling. Pre­ requisites: RPSY 604, RPSY 641 and permission of instructor. Elective.

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