
Course Descriptions cont.

RPLB 705 BRIEF PSYCHOTHERAPIES (3) Models and approaches in brief interventions with special atten­ tion to crisis intervention , emergency room work, as well as systems approaches (Watzlawick, Haley, M. Erickson). Pre­ requisite: permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 709 THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION (3) This course focuses exclusively on clinical approaches to assess­ ment and therapeutic intervention in relation to sexual dysfunc­ tion within the marital dyad. Prerequisites: RPLB 671, RPSY 607, RPSY 663 and permission of instructor . Elective. RPLB 710 EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) Study and practice of the therapeutic relationship and the process of therapy from a growth or actualization perspective , including the approaches of selected theorists such as Rogers , Gendlin, Perts and selected existential therapists . Prerequisites: RPSY 551 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 711 ADLERIAN PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) The focus of this course is on the practice of psychotherapy based on the personality and family dynamics elaborated in Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology . Attention will also be given to more contemporary views of such Alderians as Dreikurs, Ansbacher and Ansbacher, Dinkmeyer, Mosak and others. Pre­ requisite: RPSY 552. Elective. RPLB 715 CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES (3) This course focuses each time it is offered on a specific therapy not regularly included in Rosemead's curriculum, including such approaches as Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy , Psycho­ drama, Rational-Emotive Therapy , Reality Therapy,.and others. Teaching personnel are drawn from the professional community of active practitioners of the specific modality to be considered. Prerequisites: as determined by the individual instructor. Elective. THEOLOGY/BIBLICAL STUDIES This series of courses provides students with essential biblical and theological understanding prerequisite to effective integra­ tion of the disciplines of psychology and theology. RTHE 517 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES I: HERMENEUTICS (3) A study of hermeneutical principles for sound interpretation of the Bible , including general rules and specialized principles for parables , types, prophecies and poetry. (Same as TBE 517) . Required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RTHE 518 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES II: MATTHEW AND ROMANS (4) An exposition of these two books , their backgrounds, themes , lines of thought through verses, chapters and sections, doctrinal significance , solutions to areas of difficulty and relevant practical application. (Same as TBE 506.) Prerequisite: RTHE 517. Re­ quired for Psy. D ., Ph .D. RTHE 605 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES III: THEOLOGY PROPER AND ANTHROPOLOGY (4) Prolegomena to systematic theology including its nature and method . The study of bibliology including revelation, inspira­ tion , canonicity and authority of the Scriptures. The doctrine of God. Prerequisite: RTHE 518. Required for Psy .D., Ph.D.

RTHE 606 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES IV: RECONCILIATION AND THE CHURCH (4) The study of salvation, its provision in the person and work of Christ and its application to man. The church , including its inception , nature and organization. The doctrine of future things. Prerequisite: RTHE 605. Required for Psy.D., Ph .D. RTHE 625 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES V: CHRISTIAN ETHICS (3) A study of Christian ethics in relation to divorce , abortion, homosexuality , euthanasia, situation ethics, environmental ecol­ ogy and human control of human beings. Requiredfor Psy.D., Ph .D. RTHE 730 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Individual work, directed reading or special problems in theolo­ gy. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and bibliography on a learning contract form available from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY Rosemead's curriculum is distinguished by a series of seminars designed to investigate the mutual relationships between theolog­ ical and psychological concepts and data. These seminars con­ stitute an essential part of Rosemead training and offer students an opportunity to become involved in a creative application of shared insights from these related disciplines . Each student must take either RPTI 721 or 722 and four additional integration seminars. (Completion of RPTI 721 or RPTI 722 is a prerequisite for all other integration seminars.) RPTI 710 SIN AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (2) An advanced seminar exploring the concepts of sin and psycho­ pathology. Includes a discussion of the nature and essence of psychopathology and the relationship of personal , parental and societal responsibility in personality development and function­ ing. Prerequisites : RPSY 551 and 552, RTHE 606 and permis­ sion of the instructor. Elective. RPTI 721 THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF INTEGRATION (3) This required course includes a discussion of the model s, levels and areas in which integration of the theological and psychologi­ cal can occur , as well as a framework for conceptualizing the scope of integration . Prerequisites: RTHE 517 , 518, 605 and second year standing. Elective. RPTI 722 SYSTEMS OF INTEGRATION (3) A critical evaluation of the works of specific theologians and psychologists who have attempted to integrate the disciplines of psychology and theology. Attention is given to the approaches of such theorists as Adams, Browning , Crabb, Gothard , Mowrer, Oden, Tournier , Yan Kaam and Wagner . Prerequisites: RTHE 517, 518 and 605. Elective. RPTI 741 GUILT , CONSCIENCE AND SOCIALIZATION (2) A discussion of guilt and conscience, including both biblical and psychological theories on the origins of guilt and conscience and the expressions of these theories in therapy. Prerequisite: com-


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