

Edgar R. Lehman ............. . ............. Chairman George Peek .............. . .... . ....... Vice Chairman Paul Cedar Keith Knopf

Lloyd T. Anderson Roger Arnebergh John A. Batchelor Foster W. Bens

Walter Warkentin Robert E. Welch

Sylvester L. Marshburn

Clyde Cook

Charles Kohlenberger

David Nissen

Samuel H. Sutherland

Victor Deverian Clifton A. Hanna

Daryl Kraft

Fook Kong Li

Robert Vernon


Clyde Cook , D.Miss ... .. ....... . ............. President Robert 8. Fischer , Ph.D..... . ...... . ..... Vice President, Academic Affairs Robert F. Crawford, Ph.D . ..... . ......... Vice President, Planning and Information Systems J. Vincent Morris , Ed.D.............. . ... Vice President , University Student Affairs and Campus Resources Evelyn Gibson . . . . . . . . Vice President , University Relations Edward H. Norman , Ed.D.... . ... . . . Administrative Dean, Schoof of Arts , Sciences and Professions and of Undergraduate Studies Wendell G . Johnston , Th.D....... Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary and Schoof of Theology S. Bruce Narramore, Ph.D...... .. . Dean , Rosemead Schoo f of Psychology Marvin K . Mayers , Ph.D.. . . . . . ......... Dean , Schoof of lntercufturaf Studies and World Missions Richard J. Mohline , LL.D..... . ... Dean of Administration , Rosemead Schoof of Psychology Wayne Chute , Th.M....... . .. Dean, University Admissions and Records

Ted Barnett, Ed.D ..... . ... Director of Extended Education Reinhard J. Buss , Ph.D............ Director, Bio/a Abroad Allen Carden , Ph.D.............. . .... Director, lnterterm Kenneth R. Casey, B.A., C.P.A..... Finance Administrator Cheryl Crawford, M .A..... . . Director , Career Development and Graduate Placement James A. Fenton , M.A......... Director, Student Financial Services and Student Employment Edward Gallagher, B.A...... Director, Information Services Lawrence Marshburn, M.L.S ...... . ... . . Director, Library Ron Hafer , M.A.............. Director , Student Ministries David Hammond , Ed. D................. Director, Media Center Rick Hicks, M.A........ . .. . ... . .. . . . Dean, Student Life Jane Hideko Higa, M.S ........ . .... Dean, Student Affairs Dorothy Magnusson , B.A.. ... . Director , Child Care Center George Moore, Th.M............ . Director, Student Ethnic and International Relations Milli Penner , M.A..... .. . . Director, Residential Programs Paul Poelstra, Ph.D ........ .. ... Director, Summer Session Jan Rasmussen , B .A . . .... . Director, Learning Skiffs Center Gregory Vaughan , M.A .... . ......... Director, Admissions Gary Whisenand , M .Div ........... .. .. Director, Records Janet Woods ............. Coordinator, Academic Advising David Young, M .A., M.Div ..... . .. Dean, Student Services


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