
GERALD L. GOODEN Associate Director , Library , Associate Professor , I962 Diploma , Moody Bible Institute ; B.A., Marshall University ; M.L.S ., University of California , Los Angeles . EVELYN M. GUILBERT Associate Professor of Nursing , 1980 B.A ., Nursing , California State University, Los Ange les; M.S., University of California , Los Angeles. JAMES GUY Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1982 B .A. , Wheaton College; M.A. , Fuller Theologi cal Seminary; Ph.D ., Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. MICHAEL HAGAN Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology. B.A., Biola College ; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary . DENISE HALL Assistant Professor of Nursing , 1982 B .S.N. , Baylor University ; M.N., University of Washington DAYID L. HAMMOND Director , Media Center , Professor of Education , 1962 B .S. , Bob Jones University ; M.A. , Arizona State University ; Ed .D. , University of Southern California. MARK M. HANNA Associate Profes sor of Philosophy of Religion , 1978 B.A., American University ; M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Southern California. DELBERT J. HANSON Professor of Philosophy , I966 B.A. , M.A. , Wheaton College ; M.A. , University of Southern California. FRED HARTSON Instructor of Art , 1981 B.F.A., Art Center of Designs, Los Angeles. DORCAS HENRY Associate Professor of Physical Education , I971 B.S., Marion College ; M.A ., Ball State University. JOY L. HERITAGE Assistant Professor of Physical Education , I981 B.A., M.A. , Glassboro State College , New Jersey. HENRY W. HOLLOMAN Professor of Systematic Theology , 1974 A.B. , Southwestern College of Memphis ; Th.M. , Th.D. , Dallas Theological Seminary. DAYID G. HOLMQUIST Assistant Professor of Physical Education , 1978 B.S. , Biola College ; M.S. , California State University , Fullerton . W. BINGHAM HUNTER , JR . Associate Professor of Bible Exposition , I977 Director of Th.M. Program , 1977 B.S. , M.S. , Michigan State University ; M.A. , Trinity Evangelical Divinity School ; Ph.D. , University of Aberdeen . WILLIAM F. HUNTER Coordinator of Institute for Family Studies, 1973 Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Studies , I973

B.A., Northwestern College; M.R.E., B.D. , Th.M . , D.Min. , Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A. , Fuller Theological Seminary ; Ph.D., studies in progress , United States International University. DENNIS A. HUTCHISON Assistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1976 B.A. , Biola College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theologica l Seminary; Th .D., studies in progress, Grace Theological Seminary. MASAKAZU IWATA Professor of History , 1961 B.A., M.A ., Ph.D. , Univers ity of California , Los Angeles. RONALD JEWE Instructor of Business Administration and Economics, 1981 B.S., M.B.A. , Arizona State University , Tempe. B . CAROLYNJOHNSON Assistant Professor of Music , 1979 B.A. , M .A., California State University , Long Beach. REX E. JOHNSON Assistant Professor of Christian Education , I976 B.A ., University of California , Los Angeles; M .R.E . , Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., Biola College . WENDELL G. JOHNSTON Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology , Professor of Biblical Studies , 1983 B .A. , Bob Jones University ; Th.M. , Th .D. , Dallas Theological Seminary . RICHARD JONES Professor of Education , I963 B.A. , Wheaton College ; B.D. , Fuller Theological Seminary ; M .A. , California State University , Los Angeles ; Ed.D ., University of California , Los Angeles. JOHN E. KELLEY

Associate Professor of Psychology , 1980 B.A . , M.A., Ph .D. , University of Arizona. LETA A. KILANDER Associate Professor of Nursing , I968

R .N. , St. Luke ' s Hospital , Bellingham; B .S . , University of Washington; M .N. , University of California , Los Angel es . STELLA KIM Order Librarian , 1962 B.A. , National Taiwan University ; M.A .L.S., George Peabody College. MARGUERITE G. KRAFT Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies , 1973 B. S. , Wheaton College; M.A., Hartford Seminary Foundation ; D.Miss. , Fuller Theological Seminary. PAUL KULD Assistant Professor of Biological Science , 1969 B.A. , M.A. , California State University , Long Beach .

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