
J. VINCENT MORRIS Vice President , University Student Affairs and Campus Resources, 1971 B.A. , Westmont College ; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; M.A., Ed.D., Arizona State University. MARC T. MUELLER Assistant Professor in Systematic Theology, Valley Extension Center, 1978 B.A., Pomona College, Claremont ; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary. MELODIE NARRAMORE Instructor of Communication , 1980 B.A. , Biola College; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles. S. BRUCE NARRAMORE Dean , Rosemead School of Psychology Professor of Psychology , 1970 B.A. , Westmont College; M.A., Pepperdine College; M.A. , Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Un iversity of Kentucky . THOMAS L. NASH Associate Professor of Communication, 1977 B.S., John Brown University; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University. JOEL NETLAND Instructor of Business Administration and Economics, 1981 B.S. , Biola College, C.P.A. GEORGE M. NISHIDA Professor of Sociology , 1964 B.A., Pasadena College; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; M.A. , Ph.D. , University of California , Riverside. EDWARD H. NORMAN Administrative Dean , School of Arts , Sciences and Professions and of Undergraduate Studies , 1962 B.S., Springfield College; M.A. , Ball State University; Ed.D., University of Southern California. ELIZABETH G. NORMAN Associate Professor of Physical Education , 1962 B.S., Taylor University; M.A., Ball State University. GLENN F. O'NEAL Professor of Practical Theology , 1961 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; B.D . , Grace Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph .D. , University of Southern California. ERIC A. ORKE Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Economics, 1981 A.B., Colgate University, Hamilton, New York; M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania, (Warton), Philadelphia.

HOWARD LYON Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.A ., M.A. , California State University, Long Beach. LARRY MARSHBURN Director of the Library , Associate Professor, 1982 B.A. , Whittier College; M.S., University of Wisconsin . MARVIN K. MAYERS Dean, School of Intercultural Studies and World Missions, Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1982 B.A. , Wheaton College; M.Div ., Fuller Theological Seminary ; M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Chicago. COLINS. McDOUGALL Associate Professor of English, 1964 B.S., North Central College ; M.A., California State University, Fullerton. DONALD G. McDOUGALL Associate Professor of New Testament, 1975 B.A., Biola College; M.Div., Th .M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph .D ., studies in progress, University of California, Los Angeles. OLIVE W. McLAUGHLIN Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1975 B.S ., R.N., University of Oregon; M.S .N., California State University, Los Angeles. WILLIAM M. McQUEEN, JR. Associate Professor of Psychology , 1978 B.A., M.A., Ph .D. , University of South Carolina. MARILYN MEBERG Assistant Professor of English, 1976 B.A., Seattle Pacific College; M.A., California State University , Fullerton. CURTIS C. MITCHELL Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1966 B.A., Biola College; B.D., Talbot Theological Seminary; Th .M. , Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary; Th. D., Grace Theological Seminary. RICHARD J. MOHLINE Dean of Administration, Rosemead School of Psychology Associate Professor of Practical Theology , 1970 Diploma , Moody Bible Institute ; B.A., Wheaton College; M.Div., Gordon Conwell Seminary; M.Ed., Loyola University, Chicago. GERALD E. MONTGOMERY Assistant Professor of Greek , 1970 B.A ., Biola College; B.D. , Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary. GEORGE C. MOORE Director of Ethnic and International Student Relations, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1975 Diploma , Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A. , Biola College; M.Div. , Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary. ROBERT MOROSCO Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology , 1974 B.A., Biola College ; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph .D., Fuller Theological Seminary.

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