Cornrnunication cont.
476 COMMUNICATION EDUCATION SEMINAR (2) Teaching techniques for the introductory speech course and forensics team. Required for English/communication secondary education majors. Alternate years , offered 1982-83.
456 BROADCAST SALES AND PROMOTION (3) Broadcast sales , developing presentation materials for various types of clients , organization of a successful sales staff, selling the advertising agency and the advertising staff of client com panies; sales and listener promotion . 457 MASS COMMUNICATION THEORY (3) Current theories in mass communication , the usefulness of each and research support given to each. Theories unique to mass communication , as well as the application of more general com munication theories. SPEECH PATHOLOGY Biola University offers a credential program in speech patholo gy leading to the Clinical-Rehabilitative Services Credential (Language, Speech and Hearing Services). This credential is the one required by the California State Board ofEducation for the speech /language pathologist in the public schools. It re quires a fifth year ofpost-baccalaureate study with a minimum of 30 units. The 30 units of post-baccalaureate work must be completed within a five-year period. Before beginning their junior year, students will be interviewed by the department to determine their eligibility for the program and to plan their remaining course of study. Generally students will need an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 in their general course work and be able to maintain a GPA of3.0 in courses in the speech pathology area . Students with a B.A. degree in speech pathology from an accredited institution and a GPA of 3.0 in their major course work will be accepted for the fifth year of study. Those with a B .A. degree in other areas, or with less than 30 units of speech pathology courses will be required to make up the deficiencies. In addition, if the undergraduate work does not include biblical studies, the student is required to take at least eight units of400 level or above Bible /theology courses from Biola University. A maximum of six units of graduate credit for course work in speech pathology may be transferred from an accredited gra duation program. Students with a GPA of less than 3.0 may be accepted on probation for one semester at the discretion of the department. 220 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) Voice improvement through study of anatomical and physiologi cal bases of the normal voice. Training in articulation , pronun ciation and related oral skills . 312 PHONETICS (3) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech ; classifica tion , reproduction and proper recording of speech sounds; princi ples of phonetic change . Alternate years . 321 INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH PATHOLOGY (3) Survey of the various types of speech disorders with special emphasis on articulation problems and therapy. 324 SPEECH SCIENCE (3) The anatomical , physical and physiological bases of speech. 326 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (3) Normal development of speech and language in children. Motor and cognitive development and neurophysical structure surveyed .
RADIO-TELEVISION-FILM 251 SOUND COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP (3) An introduction to the sound medium as applied to radio , televi sion and film . Laboratory fee: $10 . 253 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING (3) A survey of various aspects of radio and television in the United States, including history , programming , federal regulation, rat ings and ethics. Field trips to area radio and television stations . 335 WRITING FOR BROADCASTING (3) (See print media concentration .) 336 BROADCAST JOURNALISM (3) A laboratory course in radio and television journalism , including all aspects of writing and delivery of broadcast news programs and documentaries. Work on the KBBK news staff is required . 340 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (3) (See core courses .) 350 STUDIES IN BROADCASTING (3) Aspects of theory and practice of broadcasting: announc ing, production , directing and religious broadcasting. May be repeated with different course content. Offered upon suffi cient demand. 351 BROADCAST ANNOUNCING AND PERFORMANCE (3) Theory and practice of professional announcing, newscasting , sports announcing , interviewing and other performance for radio and television . 352 INTRODUCTION TO TELEVISION AND FILM PRODUCTION (3) The basics of visual communication , as applied to television and film . Introduces student to scripting form , thinking in images , film and television cameras, lighting , editing , composition , much more. Laboratory fee : $15. 353 TELEVISION PRODUCTION (3) Students will write and serve on production teams to produce a variety of formats for television programs. Prerequisites: 251 , 352. Laboratory fee: $30. 354 MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (3) Principles and techniques of making motion pictures , utilizing both lecture and laboratory approaches . Prerequisite: 352. Laboratory fee : $30 . 453 ADVANCED TELEVISION PRODUCTION (3) The course gives intensive experience in professional level televi sion production. Members of the course produce a regular weekly television program for cable , among other projects . Prerequisite: 353 . Laboratory fee: $30. 455 BROADCAST MANAGEMENT (3) Problems of operating a broadcast station from the perspective of management. Students complete a project outlining market re search, physical facilities , programming, personnel and budget for a proposed radio or television station.
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