
"To study literature is to study man and often to study self. Literature offers the opportunity to generate and communicate ideas; to determine, defend and support one's own views; and to question and challenge alternate viewpoints. The .English department helps stimulate and sharpen one's ability to think." - Lori Talbert .English Student Department of English

Virginia Doland , Ph.D., Chair


Professor: Doland Associate Professors: Gilman, McDougall, W. Shanebeck, Smith Assistant Professor: Meberg Instructor: Sargent Objectives: The department of English has five objectives: the understanding of language as a means of communication, includ­ ing the communication of the gospel; the ability to speak and write with clarity; an understanding of literature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human history ; the appreciation and enjoyment of good literature ; and an acquaintance with the literary heritage of the English-speaking world. History 305 is recommended for all English majors. DepartmentMajor: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division , six units of English 250 Introductory Studies in Literature: Eng­ lish Literature, are required for the major and are prerequisite to upper division courses in the major. The student must also com­ plete three units of 450 Advanced Studies in Literature: Literary Criticism, three units of 470 Seminar and select at least three units from each of 350 , 360, 370, 440. Remaining units may be completed in any of the upper division English course offerings, except that no more than three units should be completed in 330. Special Waiver Program: The English department in cooperation with the department of communication provides a special Waiver Program in the single subject, (secondary credential), teaching major in English/communication . This program provides con­ siderable flexibility for those planning to teach English in high school. In addition to the general education requirement of twelve units in English composition, literature and communication , an English core of 22 units (six units of EN250: English Literature , EN320 , 350, one unit ofEN470 and nine units to be selected from EN360, 370, 420 , 430, 440 , 450 and 460) is required. An additional bloc of nine units of communication is then taken depending upon the student's areas of interest. The options in this bloc cover journal­ ism , writing, speech commun ication and drama. Each student is also required to take Communications Seminar 476 for two units, making a total of thirty-three units in this special program. Those interested are advised to consult with the departments of English and communication.


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