
Puritanism , Revolution and the Young Republic, Romanticism and Transcendentalism , Realism and Naturalism , Twentieth Century Literature , Contemporary Literature. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 370 STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE (3) Specific eras and movements in English literature. Sections offered every year in areas such as: The Middle Ages , Eliza­ bethan and Jacobean Literature , Metaphysical and Baroque Liter­ ature , Restoration Literature , The Augustan Age , The Age of Johnson, Romantic Literature , Victorian Literature, Twentieth Century Literature , Contemporary Literature. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 380 STUDIES IN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE (3) A study of children ' s literature, kindergarten through eighth grade. This course is not applicable toward an English or humanities major. 420 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE (3) Comparative studies of a specific cultural literature. Sections offered in areas such as: African, Spanish, Russian, Jewish, German literature. 430 SPECIAL STUDIES IN LITERATURE (3) Studies in general areas of literary interest such as allegory, science fiction and folklore or in such specific literary topics as the city , apocalypse, the hero , the Fall. 440 STUDIES IN MAJOR AUTHORS (3) An in-depth study of the works of one or more significant authors with attention to the chronological development of the author's style , his main themes and his relationship to the literary tradi­ tion. Sections offered include such authors as: Shakespeare , Chaucer , Milton , Blake and Coleridge , Faulkner and Heming­ way. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 450 STUDIES IN LITERARY CRITICISM (3) Studies in the history of criticism, contemporary literary theory and application of the principles of literary analysis. 460 STUDIES IN LITERARY GENRE (3) Studies in specific literary genres such as poetry, drama, novel. 470 SEMINAR (1) Reading , research and discussion in areas determined by student need and interest. Three units required for English majors, junior or senior standing required. Not restricted to English majors. Only one unit in one semester but may be repeated for a maximum of four units towards graduation . Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 490 ENGLISH PRACTICUM ( 1-3) Practical experience in English teaching and / or research on the college level. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: permission of the English Professional Standards Committee required. LITERATURE Literature forms one possible area of concentration for the hu­ manities major (page 00). This concentration consists of 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division ; the six lower division units must be taken in English 250 , Introductory Studies in Literature : English Literature. Humanities majors choosing the literature concentration are advised through the department of English. Following is a list of the literature courses offered in the depart­ ments of English and foreign languages. English 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE

HUMANITIES MAJOR: English or Literature Concentration: The department of English offers two possible areas of subject concentration for the humani­ ties major (page 72). This concentration may consist of either English or literature. It is basically a minor in English , but more flexibility is possible through department advisement. Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper divi­ sion. The student selects units from three or more of the courses listed above under the department major. Note: Unless otherwise stated , a course may be repeated with different content (section title). 90 BASIC ENGLISH WORKSHOP (3) Workshop in English fundamentals emphasizing grammar , punc­ tuation , spelling and paragraph writing. Students scoring less than 400 on the verbal section of the SAT must take and pass Basic English Workshop within the first year of residence (before English 110). If a student wishes to challenge his SAT score he may take a diagnostic test administered by the English depart­ ment. If he fails this test , he must take Basic English Workshop ; three semester hours with no unit credit toward graduation. 107 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (3-6) Required of all students whose native language is other than English. Emphasis on listening skills , pronunciation , vocabu­ lary , grammar , writing skills and other areas of study helpful to the non-native English speaker. Student must complete ENG 11 0A and B following satisfactory completion of ENG I07.


Sections A and B. Reading , discussion of ideas and methods of writing , stressing logic, persuasion and evaluation ; experience in writing essays and the research paper. Both sections required .

Section A prerequisite to section B. 230 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN JOURNALISM (3, 3)

Sections A and B. Fundamentals of journalistic theory and prac­ tice. (See Communication 233 , 234 for complete description. ) Both sections may be taken. 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE (3 ) Designed to fulfill the general education literature requirement and as a prerequisite for advanced studies in literature. Sections offered every semester in specific areas: English Literature I and II , American Literature , World Literature. Prerequisite: l l0A / B. 320 STUDIES IN GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE (3) Introductory language course for education students: history of language , grammatical systems , usage / composition ; teaching applications . 330 STUDIES IN WRITING (3) Theory and practice in the various types of writing , aiming at publication. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Creative Writing , Research and Writing , Writing for Publication. 350 STUDIES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (3) Both standard and specialized offerings in English language studies . One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: General English Linguistics , Modem Grammar , Development of Modem English , Word Formation and Function , Current English Usage , Dialectology/ Sociolinguistics / Psycholinguistics. 360 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE (3) Specific eras and movements in American literature. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Colonialism and

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