
411, 412 READINGS IN CLASSICAL GREEK (1-3 , 1-3) Individual research for advanced students in classical grammar and /or literature . Study may include one or more of the following areas: Homer, historians, playwrights, Plato , Demosthenes. Pre­ requisite: three years of Greek and /or consent. SPANISH Objectives: Upon completion of the 12 upper division units for a Spanish concentration of the humanities major , (310, 311 and two four hundred level courses: either 401 and 402 , or 403 and 404) , it is intended that the student: demonstrate proficiency in Spanish by fluency in speaking, reading and writing the lan­ guage; have an understanding of the major historical events and cultural epochs; and have an acquaintance with major per­ sonalities and their contributions to civilization. Students with high school Spanish should consult with the depart­ ment for placement. Students whose native language is Spanish may not take lower­ division courses for credit but must take a placement test to continue Spanish. IOI , l02 ELEMENTARY SPANISH (4, 4) The fundamentals of pronunciation , grammar , conversation and reading. Taught by the Audio-Lingual method with emphasis on diction , comprehension , reading and writing. Five hours each week . 103 , 104 BASIC SPANISH FOR HEALTH PERSONNEL (4 , 4) Basic skills in Spanish with emphasis on communicating in health-related terms. Offered when demand is sufficient for a class of 20 students . 201 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH (4) Advanced grammar , composition , increased facility in reading and conversation. Five hours each week. Either semester.

3IO, 311 ADVANCED SPANISH (3, 3) Advanced work in reading , writing and conversation. Pre­ requisite: ·20 I or equivalent. 401, 402 SURVEY OF SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE (3 , 3) A survey of literature of Hispanic America to modern times ; reading and discussion of outstanding literary works and move­ ments. Conducted in Spanish . Prerequisites: 3 IO , 311 or equiva­ lent and consent of instructor. Alternate years, offered 1983-84. 403, 404 SURVEY OF SPANISH LITERATURE (3 , 3) A survey of the literature of Spain from earliest times to present; reading and discussion of the outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites: 3IO, 311 or equivalent. Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 407 THE SPANISH AMERICAN NOVEL (3) Representative novels of Spanish America ; emphasis on charac­ teristics and styles; literary movements and influences. Pre­ requisites: 40 I , 402. Alternate years, offered I982-83. 408 HISPANIC THEATER (3) Significant works of the drama of Spain and Latin America. Alternate years, offered I982-83. Prerequisites: 40 I, 402. 411 LITERATURE DEL SIGLO XIX (3) Representative works of Larra, Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Clarin, Unamuno , Azorin, Baroja. Prerequisites: 403, 404. Alternate years , offered 1983 -84. 412 CONTEMPORARY SPANISH LITERATURE (3) Current literature and developing trends. Prerequisites: 403 , 404 . Alternate years , offered 1983-84. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Individual research and writing for advanced students by special arrangement. Prerequisites: senior standing and consent (students must have taken 401, 402, 403 and 404 or equivalents). May be repeated with different content.


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