''A recent survey of evangelical seminaries indicated that they believed history to be the preferred undergraduate major. After 18 years in the pastorate I would affirm this advice. History gives you the background for biblical studies and an understanding ofhuman beings. Bio/a history majors have won awards at regional conferences involving students from state and private universities.,, - Dr. Leland E. Wilshire Associate Professor ofHistory Department of History and Geography
Dietrich Buss , Ph.D . , Chair
Professor: D. Buss , Iwata , Wilshire Associate Professors: A. Carden, Young
Objectives: Department objectives are to increase the general knowledge in and understanding of history, to encourage ana lytical thinking in dealing with historical problems , including the relationship of Christianity to culture, to enhance proficiency in research and writing , and to stimulate interest in the reading of literature bearing on the discipline. Offerings in geography are designed to develop understanding of and appreciation for the physical and cultural landscapes. Emphasis is on regional stud ies. Those interested in acquiring a background in physical geography are urged to take Physical Science and Geography Survey IOI. HISTORY Department Major: 30 units beyond the general education re quirement , of which 24 must be upper division including 327 , 480 or 490 and 491. Political Science 200 is required as a supporting course. Concentration of 12 units of course work in one of the following areas: Asian Civilization , Civilization of the Americas or European Civilization . History majors preparing for graduate school should include a foreign language in their program with advice of the department. Department Minor: 18 units beyond the general education re quirements , of which 12 must be upper di vision. The student is advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration. It is recommended that those seeking a teaching credential will fulfill the requirements in history from the following courses: 312 , 402, 403 , 410 , 424 . History Honors Program: This program is designed for senior history majors who desire to undertake a year-long independent research project under an individual professor , culminating in an honors thesis . Students who are a few units short of senior standing may petition the chairman for admission into the Honors Program. Students entering the program must have l 5 units of upper division history. History majors with a departmental grade point average of 3.5 or better are eligible. Candidates for honors will be required to meet all history major requirements : the
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