490 , 491 HONORS PROGRAM (3 , 3) A year-long independent research project for history majors cul minating in an honors thesis. First semester: reading and research under supervision. Second semester: drafting and writing final paper . GEOGRAPHY 301 INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (3) World cultural regions; isolation of cultural forces and their interaction with the physical environment to produce the varieties of cultural landscape: population distribution , general land-use , settlement pattern , transportation and communication. 310 STUDIES IN GEOGRAPHY (3) Continental areas studies by regions emphasizing physical , cultur al , economic and historical dimensions which give geographic personality to individual regions and nations. One or more sec tions offered each year in areas such as Latin America , North America , Europe and Asia . May be repeated with different con tent (section title).
The background , original development and spread of the Chris tian religion; emphasis on the modern era, especially contem porary growth dynamics and church structure in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Offered spring semester. (See intercultural stu dies 462.) 470 DIRECTED READING (l-3) Individual reading in historical literature for advanced students. Topics and frequency of reports determined in consultation with sponsoring professor. May be repeated for up to three units of credit. 480 RESEARCH SEMINARS (3) Special studies in history for majors utilizing the techniques of problem-solving, research and formal writing. Non -majors may undertake special study in specific geographical areas: Latin America, Europe, Asia , United States, Near East and Africa. May be repeated for credit in different areas. Prerequisite: 327 or consent.
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