
"The exceptional thing about the math department at Bio/a is the individual attention and strong feeling of comraderie that exists within the department. Both fellow students and professors are willing to help. This atmosphere enables me to learn more and I am more aware of educational and vocational opportunities I might otherwise have missed. ,, _ Sondra natch Math Student Department of

Mathematical and Computer Sciences Edward Thurber , Ph.D . , Chair


Professor: Thurber Assoc iate Professor: Willi ams Instructor: Conve rse , Sharrer MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES

The department of mathemati ca l sc iences at Bio la Uni ve rs ity provides several areas of concentration in additi on to a bas ic core curriculum . The student is allowed considerabl e fl ex ibility in the major depending upon hi s voca tional or profess ional goa ls. The department has ava il ab le a Hew le tt-Packard HP-3000- 11 computer and two microcomputers. Objectives: The department endeavors to provide ( I) a strong fo undational core curriculum fo r the student des iring to pursue graduate study in both the pure and applied fi elds of mathemati ca l science, (2) course work and trai ning to prepare students for applied mathematical sc iences (s tati sti cs , computer sc ience. op­ erat ions research and ac tuari al sc ience) and the fie ld of teaching , (3) support courses fo r the curri culum o f other majors (bi ologica l science , physica l science , business and nurs ing) and (4) courses bas ic to ga ining some knowledge of mathemati cs as part of a libera l arts education. The department prov ides an attracti ve and thorough offering in mathemati cs as part of God ' s crea ti on and there is a concerted effort to integrate fa ith and learning . Department Major: 45 unit s, 24 of which must be upper di vi­ sion. All maj ors are required to take a core curri culum of 105 , 106, 205 , 290, 305 , 3 15 and computer sc ience IOI . In addition one of computer sc ience 202 or math 2 10 mu st be taken. Various sequences of courses which depend on the area of concentrati on are recommended to complete the requirements . Those who pl an to pursue graduate stud ies should take 4 10 (Topi cs in Advanced Calculus) and 480 (a research seminar) regardl ess of the area of concentrati on. The fo ll owing course sequences are recommended fo r: Applied Math: 32 1,33 1, 332, 333 , one section of 430 Computer Science: Computer Science 101 , 102 , 202 and one section of computer science at 300 level or above . Mathematical


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