Mathematical and Computer Sciences cont. 420 STUDIES IN HIGHER GEOMETRIES (3) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand . Course may be repeated with different content (section title).
Department Major: All majors are required to take a core curri culum of 101, 102, 201, 202, 300, 302 , 310 and 402 . Each student must also fulfill the requirements of one of the following concentrations: Business Data Processing (55 total units): 325, 326 and 341. Math 103, 110 and 210. Business 201, 211, 330 and 370. Computer Systems (53 total units): 220,230,400 and 410. Math 105 , 106, 210, 321 and 400. Scientific Applications (53 total units): 326 and 400. Math 105, 106, 290, 315, 321 , 333 and 400. Department Minor: 21 units. Students pursuing a minor are required to take a core curriculum of 101 , 102 and 201. The remaining requirements are fulfilled according to interest in con sultation with department advisor. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. The general education requirement for mathematics and science is three units of science for a computer science major. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a computer science major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language. 100 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (3) Elementary concepts of computers and data processing. Simple problem solving techniques using the computer. Application to statistics, life science, business and social science. BASIC prog ramming. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fee: $15. 101 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE I (3) Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solv ing methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm development. BASIC programming. Fee: $15. 102 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE II (3) Elementary concepts of data structures, file organization and processing. Introduction to numerical methods. PASCAL prog ramming . Prerequisite: IOI . Fee: $15 . 201 FILE PROCESSING AND DATA ORGANIZATION (3) Business computing systems . Concepts and techniques of struc turing data on bulk storage devices. File processing techniques. COBOL programming. Prerequisite: 100 or 101. Fee: $15. 202 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING (3) Basic concepts of computer systems and computer architecture. Assembly language programming. Macros, program segmenta tion and linkages. Prerequisite: 102. 220 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS (3) Introduction to microcomputer systems. Application capabilities , system operations, devices and components and application soft ware. Prerequisite: 100 or 101. Fee : $15. 230 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Organization and structure of programming languages. Run-time behavior and requirements of programs. Introduction to program ming language specifications and analysis. Study of various alternative languages. Prerequisite: 202. Fee: $15. 300 DATA STRUCTURES (3) Linear lists, strings , arrays and orthogonal lists; graphs, trees , binary trees, multilinked structures , searching and sorting techni ques , dynamic storage allocation ; applications. Prerequisite: 20 I . Fee: $15.
Modern Geometry. Homogeneous projective coordinates, in variants, duality, Desargues ' s and Pappus's theorems, trans formations, point and line conics , various axioms systems for Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisites: 205 , 290. Differential Geometry . General curve theory , surfaces in the three-dimensional space, fundamental quadratic forms of a surface; the intrinsic geometry of surfaces , extrinsic properties of surfaces . Prerequisites: 205 , 290. 430 STUDIES RELATED TO APPLIED MATHEMATICS (3) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Complex Variables. Complex variables, analytic functions , complex integral theorems , power series , conformal map pings. Prerequisite: 205. Mathematics for the Physical Sciences. First order differential equations and second order linear equations, series solutions , Laplace transforms, numerical methods , partial differential equations and Fourier series, boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville theory. Prerequisite: 290. Topics in Numerical Analysis. Approximate numerical solu tions to partial differential equations , finite difference methods, numerical computations of eigenvectors, error analysis. Prerequisite: 321. Fee: $10 . 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Special studies in mathematics. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent. COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer science is the discipline which studies the representa tion, storage and transformation of information utilizing automa tic computing machines . The department of computer science at Biola University provides three primary areas of concentration in addition to a basic core curriculum. The three areas of concentra tion are business data processing , computer systems and scien tific applications. The department also offers a selection of courses for those majoring in other fields who wish a minor emphasis in the area of computer science . The resources available to the department include a Hewlett-Packard HP-3000-II compu ter and assorted microcomputers. Objectives: The department endeavors to provide each student with an understanding of the organization and operation of mod em computer systems. The curriculum emphasizes software de sign and development and is designed to prepare students for careers that include systems analysis , computer programming and operations and various computer-oriented business occupa tions and to enable those who wish further study to pursue graduate work in computer science or in closely related fields . Such fields include business administration and applied mathematics. There is a concerted attempt by the department to integrate faith and learning in the study of modem computer systems and their impact upon our society.
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