
480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Independent study in areas such as history , literature , pedogogy , church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. 490 SENIOR RECITAL, 60 minutes (2) Preparation for senior level applied major (60-minute recital). Ensembles 00 l BIOLA CHORALE ( l) Performance of choral literature representing a variety of styles and periods. Membership by audition (60-70 members). 002 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE (I) Encompasses a wide variety of chamber groupings and chamber music literature. The following ensemble combinations are com­ monly organized under thi s heading: brass quintet , woodwind quintet , flute ensemble , string quartet, percussion ensemble, piano chamber ensembles . Open to keyboard and other in­ strumental students by audition. 003 CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (l) Performance of standard chamber music literature encompassing a wide variety of styles and periods. Membership by audition. 004 UNIVERSITY SINGERS (1) Performance of traditional and contemporary sacred choral litera­ ture. Primary performance in worship chapels . Membership by audition (40-50). 006 LA MIRADA SYMPHONY (1) Open by audition to string , woodwind, brass and percussion performers. Performance of standard orchestral literature. 007 STAGE BAND WORKSHOP (1) To provide music education majors and other interested students experience in jazz techniques and literature . A large volume and a wide variety of literature is played , discussed and evaluated as to its prospective use at the various levels of secondary and colle­ giate education. At least one public performance per semester is

380 PERFORMANCE SEMINAR (I) Group performance , discussion of performance practice and per­ formance evaluation. May be repeated for up to four units credit. Possible sections in voice , piano , organ and various band and orchestral instruments. 390 OPERA WORKSHOP ( 1-2) The study and performance of chamber operas , one-act operas and selected Broadway musicals. Open to all students by audition. 405 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: MUSIC SINCE 1920 (2) See description under l 05 above. 420 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC LITERATURE (2) An indepth study of music literature as it relates to specific instruments , ensembles , periods of history, geographical loca­ tions, individual composers or ethnic groups. One or more sec­ tions offered every year in areas such as piano literature , choral literature, organ literature , instrumental literature (strings, wood­ winds , brasses, percussion instruments) , American music , the symphony , the string quartet , the concerto , the sonata. 430 PEDAGOGY (2) For the private teacher. Practical procedures in training a student in general musicianship , memorization , proper practice habits , sight-reading and other areas peculiar to specific instruments. Survey of graded literature and methods. Sections will be offered in areas such as: piano , organ, voice, orchestra instruments . 440 CHURCH MUSIC (3) The biblical foundation for church music ; its historical de­ velopment; current trends; the development of a church music program. 450 MUSIC PRACTICUM (l-3) Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the field . Open to junior and senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty . 460 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION FOR MUSIC MAJORS beyond degree requirements, any music degree objective. (l-3) Same areas of instruction as under 121 and 131 above. 470 SENIOR RECITAL , 30 minutes (0) Preparation for senior level music education major (30-minute recital).

scheduled. Membership by audition. 008 SYMPHONIC BAND (I)

To provide experience in ensemble techniques and performance of band literature. For band instrument majors and other capable students . Membership by audition.


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