
"The theoretical and practical emphasis of the public administration major create a strong program, exposing the student to 'real life' public administration. The semester internship is an excellent requirement. My experience as an administrative intern in the La Mirada City ltal/ proved invaluable in gaining employment after graduation." - Paul Lanning Alumnus, Planner One/Rehabilitation Specialist

Department of Political Science and Public Administration C. Dav id Pe te rs , Ph.D. , Chair FACULTY Professor: Pe te rs Objectives: The depar1ment of politica l sc ience and public admin­ istrati on seeks to equip student s to unde rstand the fundamental soc io-po li tica l instituti ons of soc iety, and the ir effect on contem­ porary li fe; to parti c ipate in and contribute to the politica l process; to assess the propri e ty of po litical issues and government poli c ies ; and to recogni ze and he lp meet the needs of the loca l, state , nati onal and inte rn ati onal community; a ll in a manner consistent with bibl ica l Chri stianity. The depa rtment of po litica l science and publi c adm ini strati on offe rs 15 units as one of the areas of concentration fo r social science majors. See p . 105 fo r informa­ tion on the soc ial science maj or. A concentration in public admini stration will equip a Chri sti an student to prac ti ce the fund ament al princ ipl es o f publi c admini s­ tra ti on and will prov ide the opportunity to interface Chri sti an princ ipl es in both a secular and Christi an setting. The publi c admini strat ion maj or contains both business and po litical sc ience courses in ex pos ing the student to the ro le of gove rnment and private bus iness as they interact in setting pub li c po li cy . A major in thi s fi e ld is interdi sc iplin a ry within th e soc ial sc ie nce framework and draws upon such di sciplines as business, psychol­ ogy, soc io logy and communication. A major in thi s fi e ld includes a rev iew of the alte rnati ve routes of ac ti on to pub li c po li cy cho ices, an analys is of the techniques of budgeting , an overvi ew of the di ve rse theori es of managing both private and public agenc ies and an int roduction to the va ri ous personne l systems used in reg ul ating manpower in the public sec tor. In additi on to course work, each student will enro ll in an intern ship [of e ight unit s the ir junior or senior yea r] thu s prov iding one with the opportuni ty to view the actual day to day workings of a public agency . Compl etion of the publi c admini stra ti on major will give the student s a bac kground for eva luating the ro le of gove rnment in des igning and implementing publi c poli cy . Public Administration Major: 60 unit s , of whi ch 24 mu st be upper d ivision. All majors are required to take a core curri culum of: 200 , 30 1, 304 , 306, 391, 470, 485, 486 and 488; Business 20 I , 202, 21 I , 21 2 and 361. Computer Sc ience I 00 or 101. The

rema ining 10 units of the major must be fulfilled through elec­ tives from political science or economics . In addition , Business 191 and Mathematics 210 , whi ch count toward the general educa­ tion requirements for math / science, must be taken as support courses. Even though the public admini stration major is an interdiscipli­ nary maj or , the advisement of maj ors will be handled by the faculty of the department of politica l science and public admin­ istration. Biol a Univers ity cooperates with the American Studies Program in Washington D.C. Thi s program provides work / study opportu­ niti es fo r students each semes te r in all of the di sciplines offered at Biola but especially politi cal sc ience . Based on the principle of integrating faith , learn ing and living, students are invited to spend time in the nation 's capi ta l serving as interns, participat ing in an academi c semin ar program and li v ing in a unique commu­ nity of Chri stian students from different geographical regions and denominational backgrounds. The Ameri can Studies Program is des igned for juniors and seni ors with a wide range of academic majors and vocational interes ts. Students are involved in the American Studies Program for periods of three or fou r months. The inte rn ship / seminar opportunity is avai lable Septembe r through earl y May , with two special concentrated study peri ods during the summer. Prerequi site: Survey of American Govern­ ment 200 . Interested student s should see the chairman of the department of political science and public admini stration , who al so serves as director of the Bio la/Washington D .C. Ameri can Studi es Program to make appli cati on to the program . California Teaching Credential: To qualify for a secondary California teaching credential in government , students must take 21 units of area based work. For spec ifics of thi s see political science department. 200 SURVEY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (4) The hi story , organi zati on and function of the legislati ve, judicial and executi ve branches of the Ame rican government includes one hour per week invol ving students in a local government civic service or li fe experi ence ac ti vit y . Sati sfi es the state requirement in instituti ons in Ameri can his tory. Meets the requirement fo r United States Constitution fo r Cali forni a teacher certification. May be taken to sati sfy a porti on of the e ight unit history general educati on requirement. 30 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC ADMI NISTRATION (3) Fundamenta ls of public admin istrati on; overview of the concepts , nature and scope of the fi e ld. Ro le of government in modern socie ty and the nature of publi c business.

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