King's Business - 1918-12

N O T H IN G IN T H E W O R L D w ou ld ^ lease th em b e tte r S C O F I E L D B I B L E T H E S C O FIE LD R E FE R E N C E B IB L E IS H E L P F U L

10 . 11 . 12 . 13. F E A TU R E S All the great words of Scripture are clearly defined. Chain references, with final summaries, cover all the great topics of Scripture. Each book has an introduction and analysis, thus facilitating Book study—the true method of Bible study. Helps at the hard places where they occur. Apparent contradictions reconciled and ex­ plained. The types are explained and illustrated by New Testament references. The Greater Covenants, around which all Scriptures gather, analyzed and explained. The prophecies are harmonized, thus becom­ ing self-explanatory. Index to editorial |jmatter—of great value to preachers in preparing sermons. A Panoramic. View of the Bible. Bible Chronology. Arabic numerals used instead of Roman. The text is the Authorized, or King James Version, with emendations in the margin where needed. Type: Clear, Black-faced, entirely reset. . Larger type in the reference columns. POCKET EDITION Minion l6mo, Black-Faced Type Size 7x4% inches and only 1% inches in thickness Fine Grain Cloth, round comers, red edges ..............................— ...................$ 1.50 French Morocco, limp, round corners, red under gold edges.................................. 3.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit, round comers, red under gold edges......... 4.00 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor­ ners, red under gold e d g e s,....----- 5.25 Size 7x4% inches and only 1 inch thick. 55x French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor­ ners, red under gold edges................ 58x Alaska Seal, limp (not divinity circuit), leather lined, round comers, red un- ' der gold edgesi ..................................... 59x Persian Morocoo, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor­ ners, red under gold edges................ 65x Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, -round comers, red under gold edges.......................... 68x Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round comers, red ; under gold edges......................... I 1.50 Interleaved with a Blank Ruled Leaf between Every Two Leawes 265x Same as ,65x. . ............... .$12.00 . With Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Oxford Index, Concordance and Maps 153 French Morocco, divinity circuit, round comers, red under gold edges. (This number on White Paper).................... 4.50 I55x French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk'sewed, round cor- .....ners, red under gold edges................. 7.50 i:59x Persian Morocco, otherwise like 155x... 9.00 ;!65x Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round comers, red under gold edges............................ 10.50 NELSON BIBLES ON APPLICATION 6.00 7.00 7.50 9.00 O X FO R D IN D IA PAPER E D ITIO N Fits tho Pocket

To tho MInfeter —Because its helps afford a wealth of suggestion for topical, expository and the­ matic sermons. Series of sermons on practical, subjects that interest congregations are sug­ gested by its helps. It saves his time, and indi­ cates methods of maMng his preaching logical and constructive. J ' ' ! To the Evangelist —Because it placed at ready ac­ cess the Biblical explanation of the great words of the Scriptures as sin, redemption, salvation, heaven, hell- and justification, etc. It unfolds the . great subject of prophecy and distinguidles the D 1 spensations. To Young Folks— Because their inquiring minds, finding little light in the* answers the/ receive from their elders, may readily find the explana­ tions to all the hard passages right on the same pages where they occur. "It answers the chil­ dren's questions." To A ll People— Because its helps, written by one of the world's greatest teachers, are so arranged and expressed, that the Bible becomes interest­ ing and understandable. The helps not only ex­ plain the difficult passages but they, train the : mind into -correct methods, of Bible study.


LARGER EDITION . Brevier 8vo, Black-Faced Type ize 8%x5% inches and only 1% incl thickness Fine Grain Cloth, round corners, red edges ...-............. ----------------------------- French Morocco, limp, round corners, red under gold edges....................... . French Morocco, divinity circuit,- round Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather liriecl td edge,; silk sewed, round cor-

Nos. 50 $ 2.00 51 4.50 53 [ 5.25 59

Nos. 70


O X FO R D IN D IA PAPER E D ITIO N Size 8%x5% inches and only 1 inch thick. 75x French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor- .. ners, red under gold edges................$ 7.50 78x Alaska Seal, limp (hot divinity circuit), leather lined; refund corners, red un­ der gold edges........................................ 8.50 79x Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor­ ners, red under gold edges. . . . . . . . . 9.00 85x Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round -corners, ; red under gold edges.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.50 . 88x- Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. ............................ 13.00 Interleaved with a Blank Ruled Leaf between Every Two Leaves. 285x Same as 85x..................................... : . . . . 14.00 With Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Oxford Index, Concordance ond-Maps. 173 French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. (This number on White Paper).......... .. 6.00 ' I75x French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor­ ners, red’ under gold edges................ 9.50 I79x Persian Moroooo, otherwise like 175x. . . 11.00 I85x Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined . to edge, silk sewed, round comers, red under gold edges.,...................... 12.50 CATALOGUES OF OXFORD AND

/Bible InstituteY \of Los Angeles/

536-558 SOUTH HOPE ST. lo s ¿ an g e l e s , CALIF.


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