King's Business - 1918-12



who was a deceiver. John 7:12. Those who deny it therefore take their stand with those who crucified Him for they did it because of His claim to equality with the Father. 5. If He was not miraculously born, then must He not have had a sinful nature in Him, and would He not Him­ self need a Savior? John 3:6 Rom. 3: 23. If He Himself needed a Savior, then He could not become a Savior to the whole world. If He was not sinless (Heb. 4:15; 7:26) His sacrifice on the cross as our Substitute counts for nothing. 6. If He was not miraculously born, then was He ever supernaturally raised from the dead? If He was a mere man, out goes the resurrection, our faith is vain, we are yet in our sins, there is no evidence of life beyond the grave. But the resurrection is amply proven by the facts. The world stands still one day in seven. Some­ thing stupendous must have happened that a Jewish Sabbath, observed for hundreds of years, should have1been ♦set aside in honor of the day the Lord of Glory came forth from the tomb, thus declaring Himself the “ Son of God with power.” Rom. 1:3-4. Could one so live and work and teach and die and rise again and move the world for two thousand years if he was not of divine ORIGIN? 7. If He was not miraculously con­ ceived, then is it not the worst of idolatry, of which the world’s greatest and most Godly men have been guilty, to worship and to pray “ in His name” 'and even to pray to Him? See 1 Tim. 3:16. But if He was “ God manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, received up into glory,” then all is dif­ ferent. Does it matter whether or not one believe in the -virgin birth? To what port are we led if we do not believe it? —K. L. B.

QTkeVirginBirtk of Christ A physician said to us “ It is not at all essential whether Christ was born of a virgin or not.” There are many these days who apparently do not see the necessity of emphasizing this point of Scripture teaching. But let us see! 1. If Jesus was not born of a vir­ gin, conceived of the Spirit, what about the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament which announced the Saviour’s coming into the world in this manner? (Isa. 7:14. Cf. Matt. 1: 18- 25; Lk. 1:26-35) Then, either prophecy failed in fulfillment or Jesus was not the promised Savior. 2. If He was not miraculously con­ ceived, then what about the character of His mother, Mary, and what of His own reputation and influence? Matt. 1: 19- 20. Was Mary a fallen woman? Was Jesus an illegitimate child ^ If He was not conceived of the Spirit, then His life is thrown under the shadow of a suspicion and we are led to wonder how He could have been considered the head of a religion so stupendous as Christianity. 3. If He was not miraculously horn, then what of the value of His sacrifice oh Calvary and how dare a single per­ son look to Him for the forgiveness of their sins? Matt. 1:21; Heb. 9:14-15. If He was mere man, horn like all other men, then to teach the forgiveness of sins by believing on Him is blasphemy and those who have trusted Him throughout the centuries were deluded fools. 4. If He was not miraculously born, then did he not rob God of glory which is exclusively His? John 5:23-27. He demanded worship on the ground of His identification with the Father. If one deny His virgin birth, he should then be put in the same class with the devil,

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