King's Business - 1918-12

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS taught in these communities and Mr. Nicholson’s elevation of the precious blood resulted in the confession of many people. Prof. B. P. Stout had charge of the music, having a fine chorus, and delighting the people with his solos. Thirteen Portuguese Catholics took their stand for Christ the last Sunday night of the meetings. Mr. Nicholson is now in meetings at Oakdale, Calif. nr What Real Effort Will Do There are so many drives these stir­ ring days, drives for Liberty Bonds,


to Christ where the ground had been ploughed and the good seed sown and watered. We wanted to bring men to decisions without any “ ifs and ands,” and already after only two weeks of this drive we want to ring out a note of praise and thanksgiving to our Gracious God and Father for the deeper strength and courage He has given, as well as what our eyes have seen and our hearts assured us has been to the glory of His grace in this definite reaching of men for Himself. It is simply wonderful when one is looking for things and praying and working with a distinct spe­ cific end in view, how “ things happen.”

Nicholson Tent Meeting, Butte Cit^, California

Red Cross Work, Thrift Stamps, and all manner of relief work that our dear • “ Daddy Horton”^ WORK IN THE always on the job, SHOPS — decided it was David Cant, Supt. time to start a drive for souls. We listen­ ed to a most inspiring call and the response was splendid. Cards setting forth the object were issued and sign­ ers many. Every member was to keep a record of work done and apparent results achieved. We thought it would be a fine plan to introduce into our shops. That individual personal touch —A clean definite effort to bring men

After that inspiring talk two weeks ago, that very night en our way home we began and have a record of the men touched ere we retired. The next morn­ ing we again started in and by His Grace have kept it up ever since. We could not begin to tell of all the inter­ esting interviews and the heart to heart talks. We learned that men, when approached in the Spirit with a frank earnest open attack, were ready to listen and in the five dozen men spoken to by the writer, we have to record not one single open rebuff received. Of course we ran .up against all sorts of queer beliefs and notions, but we are sure

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