

Academic In formation . Academic Load .

. .. .18 . .23

History Honors.

.... 64 . ..... 23

~ Biblica l Studies and Theology Requirement s .... 26 : ~tif 1T~~:t~~~ ••••••••••••.••••• • ••••••.. .4~ . ..................................37 . ... 34, 83 Bible for Gradua tes Prog ram ................. .41 Biblica l Studies and Theology ......39 Academic Standards .............. .. . .. . . ..... 23 Accred itation and Recognition . . . .15 Administrati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 American Studies ........................... .64 Anthropology-Lingui stics(see lntercultural Admission In formati on . . ....... 18 Stud ies) . . .....68 Art . Ath letics . Book Store ...... 18 Business Admini stration . . .......... . .. . ..... .46 Camp ing. . .86 Campus .... .. ..... . .... . ................ . ... 17 Ca reer Deve lopment and Grad uate Placemen t .. 33 Chapel . . .33 Chemi stry . . .. 89 Caree r Guidance and Placement . .33 Ca lendar, Academic. 4

Housing .......... . .. . . . . .. . . . .... . .......32 Humamties Major. . . .67 Information, Gene ral . . .......... 15 Interdenominational Na ture of Biola College .... 17 In te rnati onal Students and Res ident Aliens.. .20 lnte rcultu ra l Studies. .68

Intersession Latin ..

.......... .99 . .62 ... 32 .•• .§~ . ... 68 ..... 61 . ........ ~

Lea rning Skills Cente r t:~:~:J si~ct;~; M~j~; • Lingui sti cs (see lntercultura l Studies). Litera ture ~ M

Loca tion of Biola College ...................... 17 Ma rriage, Family and Chi ld Counse li ng ........94 Master of Arts . . .. ... . . .. . ...... ST, 58, 94, 101 . .18 Minor Requ irements ............ . .............25 Missions (see lntercultu ra l Studies) .. 68 Music. . .... . .72 Numbering of Courses. .36 Ma thematica l Scie nces . . ....... 70 Medi a Center.


. ........... ~

......49 . ....57

Chri stian Educa tion


Obj ec ti ves of Biola Co ll ege Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Educa ti on . . . . . .


Chri stian School Admini stra ti on . Classification of Students . College Leve l Examina ti on Program .

. .....82

. ...............22


. .. 20

Phys ica l Educa ti on Requirements.

. ..... 26 . .....88 . .......89

Communication . .

. ... .51

Phys ica l Scie nce. . Phys ics....... . .

Community of La Mirada . . . .. 17 Conduct, Standards of. . . . . ................. 16 Conference Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........33 Correspondence with School O ffi cials 6 Counseling Center . .........32 Course Offerings . . . .. 36 Degrees Offerea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Degree Requirement s . .25 Devo ti onal Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33

Placeme nt . . ...............33 Politica l Science and Public Administra ti on . . .90 Pre-Profess iona l Courses. . .23 Pre-Regis tra ti on .. , .. . ... 22 Probation .......... . . .. 23 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . ......92 Pub lica tions, Student . . ............34 Rad io-Television-Film . . .. .53 Recreation and Camp Admini stration ......... .86 Refunds............................ . ... 29 Registration ............ 21 Residence Halls. . .....32 . .. 32 Rosemead Graduate School . ... ... . .. . . . . .... 102 Residence Requ irements . . . Room Depos it . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 32

Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . Doc trinal Sta tement .

. ... 33 . ... 16

Doc toral Prog rams . . . . . . . . . . . Double Major Requirements..

. ..... 101

.25 .53

Drama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Economics. . Educa tion Department. Educa tion Distinctives .

. .46 . .55 . ... . 15 . .... 32


. ... 99 . ....30


Engineering, Pre-Enginee ring . Eng li sh ............ . ...

.88 . ...... 60 . .35 . .. . ....99 ..... 100 7 . ...... . ... 15 .. 27

Scholarships .

Social Science Major . . Sociology. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98

. .....96

Enrollment Summa ry. European Experience .

Spanis li .


Extension Faculty...

Speech (See Communica tion).

. ...... .54 . .......52 . ..... 27, 34

Speech Pa thology . . Student Mini s tnes . . Student Acti vities . Summer in Europe . . Summer School . . . . Stud ies Abroad

Facul ty Committees . . Financia l Information


Foreign Study



. . 99 . .. 99

Forensics. fu~ .

. .34 .~

Genera l Educa tion Requirement s .............. 26 Geography . . . .. 66

Ta lbo t Theologica l Semina ry. . .... .101 Teaching Credentia ls . . . . . ...................55

~ mw . ... Grades.

. .............. ~ . .22

. .......... .40 . ..... 99

Theology Courses . . . . . . . . . . Tours.

Graduate Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. ... 101

Transcrip ts. Transfer Students.

. ............ 19, 22 . .19, 22 . ................ 21

Greek .

. ............63

Hea lth Services .

. . . .. 33 . . . .. 62

Ve terans . Withdrawa l.


... 22

High School Record

............... 19


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