410 SEMINAR IN ART (1-4) Independent study in areas of concentration under faculty direction with emphasis in history, studio and creative research. Areas of concentration: Two-dimensional (Drawing, Painting, Design). Prerequisites: 206, 308, consent. Three-Dimensional (Ceramics, Sculpture). Prerequisites: 304, 305, consent. Advertising Design. Prerequisites: 313, 314, consent.
308 PAINTING II (3) Pictorial problems in various techniques of painting. Prerequisites: Art 103, 105, 110, or consent. Fee $15.00. 309 WATERCOLOR (3) Painting of still life and landscape. Prerequisite: 103, or consent. Alternate years, offered 1981-82. Fee $15.00. 313 ADVERTISING DESIGN I (3) Introduction to design principles, communication and skills in graphic art design as applied to visual communication. Prerequisites: 110, 200, 204, or consent. Fee: $15.00. 314 ADVERTISING II (3) Problems of advertising layout and graphic techniques in advertising design; techniques and materials applied to projects, package and brochure design. Prerequisite: 313, or consent. Fee : $15.00. 400 STUDIES IN ART HISTORY (3) Philosophical and critical studies in various specialized areas of periods of art, both historical and con temporary
Seminars may be repeated . Fee $15.00. 412 INTERNSHIP IN GRAPHIC ART TECHNOLOGY (3)
Internship program with local art studios, graphic art firms and publishing companies. Prerequisite: 314 or consent. 460 SENIOR ART EXHIBIT (0) Preparation for senior art exhibition under direction of faculty member. Required of all art majors.
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