458 METHODS OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (3) Research methodology for communication research, including sampling, questionnaire design, introduction to statistics. Students conduct survey research project. A major goal is to become adept at reading research and evaluating audience survey reports. Laboratory fee: $10.00.
422 LANGUAGE REMEDIATION (3) In-depth study of remediation procedures specific to language impairments in children and adults including auditory reception, association and memory; semantic and syntactic development in verbal and graphic expression; and perceptual motor development. 425 AUDIOLOGY (3) Anatomy and physiology of the ear; hearing problems, testing and rehabilitation. Practical experience in pure tone threshold testing. 426 AUDIOMETRY (3) Advanced study of procedures and problems in hearing measurement. Areas covered will include speech audiometry, masking, recruitment, diagnostic testing and amplification. 427 THERAPEUTIC METHODS (3) Methods of changing behaviors utilizing direct and indirect approaches of therapy such as behavior modification, child-centered therapy and others. Also, specific techniques relative to articulation, language, etc. , habilitation /rehabilitation. 428 SPEECH LANGUAGE SPECIALIST IN THE SCHOOLS (3) Role of specialist in schools relative to itinerant specialist or classroom teacher; legal ramifications; placement of children in speech-language program; team with psychologists, nurses, etc ., for placement of children in special-ed classes; in-service training for teachers and parents. Print Media: 233 JOURNALISM (3) Techniques of news writing with a study of the structure of the newspaper industry, means of recognizing and evaluating news sources, and press ethics and press laws. 234 JOURNALISM EDITING, TYPOGRAPHY AND LAYOUT (3) Practical experience in copy editing and headline writing with the basics of typography, layout and use of photographs in journalism. 245 INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOCOMMUNICATION (2) Lecture, demonstrations and laboratory experience in fundamentals of black and white photography . Laboratory fee $15. 330 JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (1) Supervised practical experience in writing and/or editing The Chimes; or producing the Bio/an. Prerequisite: For The Chimes staff - completion of/or current enrollment in 233 or the equivalent. For The Bioian staff - Communication Seminar. Yearbook Production. 333 CREATIVE WRITING (3) The short story form, with practice in techniques of narration, characterization, plot and dialogue in segments and completed stories; requirements for various fiction markets.
470 COMMUNICATION SEMINAR (1-3) Various aspects and problems in the field of communication.
478 PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION (3) Discussion of man as manipulator: introduction to transactional analysis; analysis of impact of verbal and nonverbal forms of communication as modes of persuasion. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Individual research in an area of communication determined in consultation with the instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of three units. Prerequisite: consent. Concentrations Speech Pathology: 020 SPEECH IMPROVEMENT (0) Individual or small group therapy for students with speech problems not amenable to correction in other courses . Adds one unit to student load, but is a non-credit course. 220 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) Voice improvement through study of anatomical and physiological bases of the normal voice. Training in articulation, pronunciation and related oral skills. 312 PHONETICS (3) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech; classification, reproduction and proper recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. Alternate years, offered 1981-82. 321 INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH PATHOLOGY (3) Survey of the various types of speech disorders with special emphasis on articulation problems and therapy. 324 SPEECH SCIENCE (3) The anatomical, physical and physiological bases of speech. 326 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (3) Normal development of speech and language in children. Motor and cognitive development, and neurophysical structure surveyed. 328 STUTTERING (3) Review of the theories dealing with the etiology of stuttering and methods of therapy. 420 STUDIES IN SPEECH PATHOLOGY (3) Advanced study in various communication disorders, diagnosis and therapy. Sections offered in organic disorders, voice problems, language disorders and diagnostic methods. May be repeated with different course content. Prerequisites: 321, 324, or permission. Laboratory fee for section in diagnostic methods $15.00.
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