362 ADVANCED ACTING (3) Development of the actor's individual creativity and expression; applying his techniques to various acting styles and characterizations; ensemble playing. Prerequisite: 261. 365 THEATRE HISTORY I (3) Greek, Roman, Medieval and Elizabethan periods . Plays and productions examined from both historical and contemporary perspectives . 366 THEATRE HISTORY II (3) Restoration to the present. Plays and productions examined from both historical and contemporary perspectives. 368 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (3) An overview of available materials as well as techniques of selecting, staging and directing several types of dramatic presentations for the church and Christian education programs . Alternate years; offered Spring 1980. 460 ADVANCED WORKSHOP IN DRAMA (1-3) Advanced drama production in areas such as advanced play direction and advanced readers theatre. Designed as a laboratory course for advanced drama students . Prerequisite: Consent. May be repeated with different course content. 461 READERS THEATRE (3) Programming and presentation of prose, poetry and drama by two or more readers using the skills of the oral interpreter as well as those of the actor. Methods of preparation, performance and directing. Speech Communication: 170 PRINCIPLES AND TYPES OF DISCUSSION (3) Problems of participating in and leading small group discussion; application of the pattern of reflective thinking to various types of problems, practice in task-oriented problem solving. 181 INTRODUCTION TO ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE (3) Effective oral communication; invention, analysis, evidence, methods of attack and defense, and arrangement of idea.
280 ORAL INTERPRETATION (3) Learning to read types of literature aloud in a anner that enhances and enriches the audiences' understanding and appreciation of that literature. 282/382 INTERCOLLEGIATE FORENSICS (1-1) Practical speech experience in debate and other forms of contest speaking. Each section may be repeated three times for a total of six units. 383 SURVEY OF RHETORICAL THEORIES (3) Major theories of rhetoric and public address from classical to contemporary periods . 385 ADVANCED PUBLIC SPEAKING (3) Techniques of persuasive speaking and communication persuasion theories . Experience in the preparation and
delivery of speeches. Prerequisite: 100. 386 FORMS OF PUBLIC ADDRESS (3) Application, practice and analysis of selected
communication forms from a rhetorical perspective. Sections offered in religious, political and social-issues communication. May be repeated with different course content. 472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Relationship between communication and culture with emphasis on factors affecting the quality and processes of interpersonal communication between persons of different cultures or subcultures. 475 LABORATORY IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION (3) Provides the theory and experiences necessary to initiate, develop and maintain effective interpersonal communication skills. Development and maintenance of trust, verbal and nonverbal expression of feeling, constructive confrontation, and resolving interpersonal conflict. Prerequisite: 170 or consent. 476 COMMUNICATION EDUCATION SEMINAR (2) Teaching techniques for the introductory speech course and forensics team. Required for English/communication secondary education majors . Alternate years, offered 1981-82.
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