
420 TEACHING READING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to pupils in elementary schools; attention to a variety of approaches; consideration of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. Observation and participation in schools included. Prerequisite: Consent . 425 TEACHING READING IN SECONDARY SCHOOL (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to pupils in secondary schools; attention to a variety of approaches; consideration of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. Observation and participation in schools included. Prerequisite: Consent. 440, 442 STUDENT TEACHING, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (6,6) 450, 452 STUDENT TEACHING, SECONDARY SCHOOLS (6,6) Full time laboratory experiences in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising teachers and college supervisors. Prerequisite: consent. (Students doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. If the student is working, a reduction in load may be necessary.) 460 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (2) Philosophy and practices of a Christian teacher in the classroom and on the campus. Aims of Christian schools and means of achieving them; attitudes and convictions which Christian schools seek to develop in students. 480 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Consideration of topics in school curriculum according to needs of individual students. Prerequisite: consent.

350 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM (4) Introduction to the elementary school curriculum in mathematics, science, social studies and language arts; use of media; observation and participation in schools. Prerequisite: Consent. 360 TEACHING ASSISTANT PREPARATION (2) Instruction and practice in general and specific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large college classes. Taught jointly by instructors from the Education Department and the specific departments using teaching assistants. 380 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (2) History, philosophy, curriculum, and classroom

techniques of early childhood programs. 390 SECONDARY CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (4)

Secondary school curriculum, classroom management, teaching methods, use of media and other educational skills. Observation and participation in schools is included. Prerequisite: Consent. 410 SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop to meet needs of exceptional pupils; special attention to needs of minority students, to cultural and ethnic differences and to development of moral /spiritual values. Prerequisite: 300.


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