
465 JEWISH LIFE AND EVANGELISM (3) The_history of the Jews, their festivals and customs, their fundamental beliefs; effective methods of evangelization . 467 VARIANT RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS (3) Survey of various religious movements in America with an analysis of their distinctive differences when compared with historical Christianity. 468 THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS (3) The biblical basis of missions and the position of missions in the life of the Church. 469 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) History, objectives and methodology of the theological education by extension. Writing of programmed instruction . 470 SEMINAR IN INTERCULTURAL STUDIES (1-3) Advanced seminar on a specialized topic involving intercultural studies. May be repeated on different topics. 472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Relationship between communication and culture, with emphasis on factors affecting the quality and processes of interpersonal communication between persons of different cultures or subcultures. 473, 474 PRACTICUM SEMINAR (1-3, 1-3) Supervised field experience in an intercultural situation. 476 INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Introduction to the nature of culture and a cross-cultural perspective; discussion of problems related to intercultural work: culture shock, language, values, status and role, learning from another culture, cultural limitations and related topics. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Directed research in intercultural studies. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit on different topics to a maximum of 6 units.

443 METHODS IN ANTHROPOLOGY OR LINGUISTICS (3) How to obtain and arrange anthropological and / or linguistic data gathered on the field . Prerequisite: 6 units from 300-320 or consent. May be repeated on different topics. 451 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH I (3) Social structure and its relationship to the principles and practices of church expansion. 452 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH II (3) Principles and practices of church expansion applied to an individual case study of a church. Prerequisite: 451. 454 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH PLANTING (3) Sociological structures and their relationship to the principles and practices of church establishment. 455 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3) The message, method and role of the evangelical church in societies undergoing socio-technological change. 457 INNER-CITY MINISTRIES (3) The church in the inner-city; needs of the community and adaptation of administration, methods, and curriculum to meet special needs. Emphasis on field study. 458 PHILOSOPHY OF WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The philosophies and beliefs of the world's leading religions. 462 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background , origin, development and spread of the Christian religion. Emphasis on the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynamics and church structure in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


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