auxiliary activity programs offered by organizations outside the school; the place of the intramural and inter-school program; development of principles which serve as a basis of the profession . Lecture /demonstrations team taught with cooperating departments. Alternate years, offered 1982-83. 404 CARE AND PREVENTION OF ATHLETIC INJURIES (3) Theory and practice of principles and techniques pertaining to athletic conditioning; care of athletic injuries. Alternate years, offered 1981-82. 405 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Analysis of the principles underlying the physical education program for the handicapped; survey of specific disabilities and the implication of each for physical education. Alternate years, offered 1982-83.
406 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Lecture, laboratory and field experience in the
development, evaluation and application of tests in health and physical education; use and interpretation of elementary statistics. Alternate years, offered 1981-82. 420 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SPORT (3) The socio-psychological nature of games, sport and physical activity; The psychology of play and competition; symbolism in sports. 480 RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1-3) Independent study, readings and /or research in the fields . Senior standing with consent and consultation. Maximum of 6 units.
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