

study . Field experience under faculty and camp staff supervision and evaluation. Prerequisite: 450. 480 RESEARCH IN RECREATION AND CAMP

Preparation for field work placement. Resume preparation, job interviews and general preparation for job placement after graduation . Prerequisites: 304 and



Independent study, readings and /or research in the fields . Senior standing with consent and consultation.

460 FIELD WORK (4)

Maximum of 6 units.

Administrative experience demonstrating the student's ability in integrating principles and skills from all areas of

Field Experience: We work closely with several camps to provide practical input in the preparation of the camp administration students. The Emerald Cove Project In order to provide actual field experience beyond summer work, and senior-year field work, a partnership was formed between the recreation and camp administration major of Biola College and Emerald Cove Camp at Bass Lake. It provides on-site administration and programming experience, plus practical training in the areas of food service, housekeeping, maintenance and construction for those students who have had a limited exposure to the practical aspects of the field of camping. Recreation and camp administration majors (up to 15 each year) pay Biola tuition fees and move to the camp site for the 15 week semester. They are provided with room and board at the camp and give the camp twenty hours of work per week in practical camp duties. The teaching staff of the recreation and camp administration major will be on-site for actual classroom training approximately fifteen hours per week. Students may earn from 12-16 units through on-site coursework. Forest Home Christian Conference Center and Green Oak Ranch also provide field work and internship experience for seniors and graduates.


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