A continuation of Physics 411. Offered spring semester, odd years . CHEMISTRY 010 CHEMISTRY (0) Designed for the students not prepared to take Chemistry 101, 105 or Biology 272. Includes basic math skills, chemical nomenclature, and physical and chemical properties of common substances. Three semester hours / no unit credit . 101, 102 CHEMISTRY SURVEY (3, 3) Principles and theories of general, organic and biochemistry and their applications to medicine and nutrition. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory each semester. Prerequisite: high school chemistry and algebra with at least a grade of "C" or passing grade on entrance exam. Laboratory fee $15.00. 105, 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY (4, 4) Principles and theories of atomic structure, chemical bonding and chemical reactivity; thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and electro-chemistry . Laboratory emphasizes quantitative aspects of physical and inorganic chemistry. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory . Prerequisite: High school chemistry . Laboratory fee $20.00. 301, 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5, 5). Structure and reactivity of carbon containing compounds; emphasis given to mechanisms of organic reactions. Second semester includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory emphasizes analytical organic and biochemistry. Th ree hours lecture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 106. Laboratory fee $30.00. 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (3) The physical laws governing chemical reactivity are investigated . Subjects include thermodynamics, kinetics, electro-chemistry and macromolecular behavior. Offered spring semester, even years. 413, 414 BIOCHEMISTRY (3, 3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes . Three hours lecture . Prerequisite: 302. 416 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany Chemistry 408. Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 302 and Biology 312. Laboratory Fee $30.00.
Research or industrial internship. To provide practical experience in a field of the student's interest. Designed also for work experience off campus in local industry. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing with consent. 450 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE (3) Varying course content according to student and faculty interest. Topics such as special relativity, and nuclear physics routinely offered. PHYSICS 211 GENERAL PHYSICS: MECHANICS (4) Elementary Newtonian mechanics; conservation of energy and momentum; oscillations; fluids and wave motion. Prerequisite: Mathematical Sciences 105. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee $15.00. 222 GENERAL PHYSICS: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM (4) Electrostatics; conductors and currents; magne tic fields; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: 211 . Mathematical Sciences 106. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee $15.00. 321 CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTATION I (3) An introduction to electronic circuit analysis and design. Prerequisite: 222. Offered fall semester, odd years. 322 CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTATION II (3) A continuation of Physics 321. Offered spring semester, even years. 331 THERMODYNAMICS (3) Introduction to energy, heat , work, entropy, temperature and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermodynamics with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: 211. Offered fall semester, odd years. 332 STATISTICAL PHYSICS(3) Introduction to the statistical theory of physical systems. Including the theory of temperature dependent properties and the relationship between statistical t~eory and thermodynamics. Prerequisite: 211. Offered spnng semester, odd years . 341 WAVE MOTION, OPTICS AND SPECIAL RELATIVITY (3) Wave motion , optics, and an introduction to special relativity. Prerequisite: 222. Offered fall semester, even years. 411 QUANTUM MECHANICS I (3) An introduction to quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: 222. Offered fall semester, even years .
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