
368 FIELD INSTRUCTION II (3 or 6) Professional services to clients by integrating knowledge, attitudes and skills in more complex social work goals; application to a wider variety of client problems in a social work agency. May be repeated to a total of six units. 369, 370 FIELD SEMINAR AND READINGS I & II (1-3) (1-3) Correlated with Field Instruction I & II. Opportunity for peer learning through participation in small group discussion of attitudes and experiences related to field placements. May be repeated to a total of three units for both 369 and 370 . 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analysis of religious practices that affect society and societal factors that affect religious practices; Christian and non-Christian beliefs and institutions . 442 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Survey of sociological theory with emphasis on 20th century contributions; status of sociological inquiry and theory; relationship of sociology to such allied fields as anthropology, psychology, economics, education and political science. Prerequisites: Math 332 or Psychology 210; 18 units of sociology. 443 METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH (3) Survey and evaluation of methods of collecting, classifying and analyzing social data; detailed study of the scientific method; introduction to the use of experimental designs in sociological research; planning and conducting a minor research project. Prerequisites: Math 332 or Psychology 210; 18 units of sociology. 451 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH I (3) Social structure and its relationship to the principles and practices of church expansion . 452 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH .GROWTH II (3) Principles and practices of church expansion applied to an individual case study . Prerequisite: 451. 454 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH PLANTING (3) Sociological structures and their relationship to the principles and practices of church establishment. 455 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3) The message, method and role of the evangelical church in societies undergoing socio-technological change. 470 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Prerequisite: Senior status with sociology major and prior to registration, consent of a professor to act as sponsor. The student must have ability to assume responsibility for independent work and to prepare written and oral reports. Project selected in conference with faculty sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly . 480 SOCIOLOGY SEMINAR (3) Brief consideration of selected works of pioneer sociologists; emphasis on current trends and developments in sociology; independent student work stressed. Limited to seniors majoring in sociology.

354 SOCIAL INTERACTION (3) Sociological contributions to theory and research in social psychology bearing on the relationship between culture and group life to human behavior and personality; analysis of symbolic processes, role behavior, psycho-social processes and social reference groups; socialization and the social aspect, attitudes, values and beliefs in relationship to groups. Prerequisite: Math 332. 356 SOCIOLOGY OF ADULT LIFE AND AGING (3)

Nature, theory and functions of aging; existing approaches to death and dying. Western and non-western experiences compared.

357 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND PROFESSIONS (3) Development of occupational roles with emphasis on specialization, division of labor and mobility; impact of occupations on the family, economy, government, education and religion; special focus on development of work and professions in the United States. 362 SOCIAL PROBLEMS (3) Major problems of social maladjustment from the viewpoint of the underlying processes of individual and social disorganization; deviant behavior, such as mental disorders, crime and delinquency, suicide, drug and alcohol addiction; social disorganization, such as population problems, family, poverty, and war. 363 SOCIAL WELFARE AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION (3) Mankind's attempts to meet various types of human need . Child neglect and abuse, crime and delinquency, poverty, problems of the handicapped, families in conflict and individual personality problems . Overview of the cultural, social, economic and political phenomena which have historically influenced the evolution of social welfare. Emphasis upon Judeo-Christian foundations and the men and women who have significantly alleviated social ills. 364 HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT (3) Physiological, psychological, mental , spiritual and socio-cultural components of personality development; impact of ethnic background, poverty, social stress and their effects upon normal growth and development throughout the life cycle. 365 SKILLS FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE I (3) Basic theories and techniques of social casework practice; development of self awareness fundamental to all areas of social work; knowledge and skills in the casework relationship and problem solving. Emphasis on task-oriented therapy. 366 SKILLS FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE II (3) Emphasis upon the dynamics of group process and its relationship to helping individuals function effectively. Builds on the basic concepts presented in Skills I. Prerequisite: 365. 367 FIELD INSTRUCTION I (3 or 6) Opportunity to integrate classroom learning with actual on-the-job training in a social work agency. Variety of available agency settings with placement based upon interest and academic background. May be repeated to a total of six units.


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