Gems Publishing - May 2019

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effectively deployed? The average one Doctor, one Hygienist practice could easily add six figures with WHALYAS.

month? If you see on average e.g. 30 new patients per month, there’s a good chance you are missing 60–90 who called but didn’t schedule.

Let’s say you added just one or two WHALYAS per day. 1.5 X four days = six additional services performed per week X 50 weeks = 300 EXTRA treatments. If you’re only doing small things (which isn’t always the case!) that’s, for example, $350 X 300 services = $100,000 per year! At the last Gems Family Retreat, I asked our members how much they had added per year in WHALYAS. Almost every Doc who’d deployed the strategy was performing at $100,000-plus … but the Gems Gold Star goes to Dr. Howie Matt who is performing in excess of $250,000 per year in WHALYAS … and Dr. Cindy Wolt (spurred on by Abbie!) who, with her associates, grinds out more than $500,000 of WHALYAS per year!

Of course, you’re not going to magically convert 90 percent of those into scheduled patients … but what if you could improve just by 10 percent?! Do so, and you’ll be adding an EXTRA 6–9 new patients every month … X 12 = 100 more patients per year! Phone training is not something to be done every year … to be effective and maximize conversion of prospect on the phone to new patient scheduled, training should be ongoing every month.


Start with the video. Then be sure to work through the 20-point scorecard. Finally, schedule a call with your Gems Coach to work with your entire team on these vital skills. Remember, anyone on the team could (and should) pick up the phone at any moment … and everyone on the team must be optimally trained to maximize conversion of prospect on phone to scheduled new patient! 20. HYGIENIST PRE-HEATS CASE ACCEPTANCE BEFORE DOC ENTERS THE ROOM. If you’ve been on Planet Gems for any length of time at all, then you’re likely already doing some of this. If you’ve only recently landed here, then chances are this concept may be “alien” to you! In Dental School, we were always taught that the “Doctor” is the only one who can/ should diagnose and treatment plan. In fact, every state in the Union has laws about this, don’t they? I’m not suggesting you break any laws (ever). However, it’s so important to your patients’ best possible health (and as a result, your revenue) that I filmed a video focusing on just this one concept (see below). "Where we struggle (understandably) is convincing patients of the need for care in the absence of symptoms." WHY is it so important? Simple human nature. 95 percent of the care we render as General Dentists is performed to correct problems in the absence of symptoms. No pain. No bleeding. Not fractured. After all, how tough is it to convince a patient whose front tooth is fractured in half and bleeding from the pulp that they should have a root canal and a crown? In that case, you’d more likely have a tougher time convincing them to leave and come back! They’re gonna camp out until you get them out of pain and place a temporary crown. Where we struggle (understandably) is convincing patients of the need for care in the absence of symptoms. Here’s a typical scenario … Mrs. Jones thinks her teeth are “just fine.” She says all she needs is a “check-up and a cleaning.” That’s because most dental problems don’t have symptoms until it’s nearly too late. She spends 50 minutes with Sheila, your Hygienist, who performs an excellent cleaning, but never mentions anything about problems with her teeth. You (the Doctor) walk in, take one look at the wide-open leaking margins on a quadrant of 30-year-old amalgams on the upper right and tell her she “needs” $4,000 worth of care. Given that Sheila never said anything about this, and compounded by the fact that you stand to gain financially from such care, Mrs. Jones response is, “Doc, are you going to buy a new Mercedes with my mouth?!”

Site Map GoldMine UnderGround Team Training Toolkit 057 $100,000.00 WHALYAS

18. CROSS-TRAINING Have you ever had a fully booked solid day during which one or more team members called out sick? Ever had a crazy day when one or more team members had a family emergency and had to leave early? How 'bout a day when your full team was there but you experienced more emergencies than you could comfortably handle? Oh yeah … how ‘bout when Nancy’s husband gets a totally unforeseen job transfer and gives two weeks’ notice!?

The ANSWER to reduce stress in all of the above situations (and more) is CROSS-TRAINING.

Prior to selling my two practices, we had 35 team members. 90 percent of them were cross-trained in at least two positions. Your two Dental Assistants are straight out helping you treat three patients. Your Hygienists are both busy with patients. An emergency patient walks in out of the blue. Saw your sign. Just broke a tooth and is in pain. How cool would it be if any (all!) of your business teammembers could at least seat the patient, put out a basic setup, and take a bitewing and a PA radiograph, as well as an intraoral photograph of the tooth?! Conversely, the front desk team is slammed. Two new patients just walked in simultaneously while all three phone lines are lit up … Wouldn’t it be nice if the Dental Assistants and Hygienists could figure out the copay, make financial arrangements, get the money, schedule the next appointments, and walk the patient right past the front desk to the door?! That’s exactly what we created in our practices and what you (if you’ve not done so already) should point toward as well. Of course, it will require that your business staff take your state’s (usually just two-day) radiography certification course, but it’s well worth the time and is a very small investment. Beyond that, most of what you’ll need to accomplish cross-training can be done in weekly team meetings, team training team. It doesn’t have to be accomplished all at once, but down the road, you will be so happy you got started today! Ask your Personal Gems Concierge to help direct you to the many resources available to assist you with cross-training your team (e.g. Financial Options, The Generic Estimator to Eliminate Pre-D’s and figure out copayments on the spot, etc.) 19. MONTHLY TRAININGON THE NEWPATIENT PHONE CALL You probably have a good handle on the average number of new patients you see every month. But do you have any idea how many potential new patients … folks who called to schedule but didn’t … you’re losing every

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