
CHRISTOPHER CAGAN Mathematical Sciences B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. , University of California, Los Angeles.

LYNN HART Recreation and Camp Administration B.A. , Biola College. TIMOTHY HARVEY Music B.M. , Biola College; M.M. , University of Mississippi.


Mathematical Sciences B.A., California State University; Long Beach; M.A.L.S. , Reed College.

TIMOTHY CONRAD Physical Education B.A. , Biola College.

KATHY HOGAN Communication B.A. , Wayne State University.


REBECCA COWAN Camping B.A. , M.S. , California State University, Chico; Candidate , Ph.D. , University of Southern California.

B.M., University of British Columbia; M.M. , University of Southern California.

STELLA KIM Technical Services Librarian


Biblical Studies B.A. , California State University, Fullerton; Th.M. , Dallas Theological Seminary.

B.A., National Taiwan University; M.A.L.S. , George Peabody College.

FRANCES LAMPMAN Education B.A. , Biola College; M.S., California State University, Fullerton. LOUIS LAPIDES Biblical Studies and Theology B.A., Dallas Baptist College; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary. ROSANNA LARSON Nursing B.S. , San Jose State University; M.H.S. , University of California, Davis. BRUCE LEACH Recreation and Camp Administration B.A., Biola College.

DAVID DAYTON Business Administration B.S. , Biola College.

CAROL EDKINS Nursing B.S.N. , Columbia University, Presbyterian Hospital.

JESUS FAIRBANKS Foreign Languages B.A. , Christian Heritage College.

JACK B. FISHER Mathematics B.S.E.E., University of Southern California.

ROLAND FREISCHLAD German B.A. , Biola College.

DONNA LEONARD Christian Education

RUTH(SCOTT)HALCROW Political Science/ Public Administration

B.A., B.S. , Fort Wayne Bible College; M.R.E. , Talbot Theological Seminary.

B.A., California State University, Long Beach; M.A. , Ph.D., University of Southern California.

PAULA K. LILJA Nursing B.S.N. , University of Texas , Galveston.

THENNEL HANGGI Psychology B.A. , California State University, Long Beach; M.A., Azusa Pacific College.

DOROTHY MAGNUSSON Pre-School Director of Pre-School.

TIM HANSEL Recreation and Camp Administration M.A. , Stanford University.

WILLIAM R. McKINLEY Education B.A. , Bryan College ; M.A. , California State University , Long Beach.

ROBERT HARRISON History B.A. , Biola College ; M.Div. , Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A. , California State University , Los Angeles.

TED MISENHEIMER Physical Science B.A., M.A., San Jose State College.


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