
Faculty Committees Biola College has the following faculty committees: Academic Policies, Academic Standards, Curriculum, Faculty Welfare, Library, Nursing Education, Pre-Medical Advisory , Professional Improvement, Public Events Board, Scholarship, Spiritual Life and Chapel , Student Personnel and Guidance, and Teacher Education. In addition , the Graduate Council and Undergraduate Studies Council function as Faculty Ad Hoc Committees. Faculty members also serve on the Student Publication Board and the Staff Budget Committees.

General Information

EDUCATIONAL STANDING Biola College Inc. holds the following accreditation: Biola College - Biola College is accredited by the · Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In addition, Biola College is accredited by the following agencies: American Association of Bible Colleges; Nc:tional Association of Schools of Music; State California Board of Registered Nursing; National League for Nursing; California Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing. Talbot Theological Seminary - Talbot is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges as a graduate school of Biola College. In addition , the seminary is a member of the Association of Theological Schools, the internationally recognized accrediting body of seminaries and schools of divinity. Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology - Rosemead is accredited by the Accrediting

Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges as a graduate school of Biola College. Biola College is authorized to train students under the Veteran ' s Bill of Rights. In addition , the college is affiliated with a number of professional organizations, of which the following are representative: American Anthropological Association ; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers; American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; American Camping Association; American Council on Education ; American Guild of Organists; American Library Association; Associated Collegiate Press; Association of College Unions International; American Association of Higher Education; Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities; Association of Christian Schools, International ; California Association of Health , Physical Education, and Recreation; California Council on the Education of


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