
Department of Christian Education

FACULTY Professor: Braun (chairman) Associate Professor: Leonard Assistant Professors: Dirks, Radcliffe

Objectives: The Christian Education major is designed to prepare its graduates for professional ministries in church and para-church agencies, and to provide a foundation for graduate training. Therefore , at the completion of this major, the student will have: realized his identity in relation to his position in Christ and his spiritual gifts and abilities; developed his gifts and abilities related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowledge and skills to study Scriptures inductively and to communicate Biblical truths effectively; analyzed the contributions of our heritage in Christian Education and related them to present and future goals; established a basic philosophy of Christian Education which incorporates the Biblical concepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated his ability to be sensitive to others as persons, understanding how people function in both individual and group learning experiences; developed and demonstrated his ability to function successfully in teaching roles and/or in leadership and administrative roles. Premajor requirement Psychology 200. Department Major: A) A Core of 30 units of specified courses, including: 200, 301 , 302, 303, 401 , 402 , 450, 460; Psychology 302. Bible 220 should be taken as the Bible elective ; B) An area of specialization of 18 units. Recognizing the broad variety of ministries in the field of Christian Education, the Department is providing the following thirteen vocational areas from which students will select one 18-unit concentration: 1. Children's Ministries 8. Communication - Print Media 2. Youth Ministries 9. Communication - Radio, T.V. , Film 3. Adult Ministries 10. Counseling 4. Director of Christian Education 11. lntercultural Ministries 5. Pastoral Ministries (Pre-Seminary) 12. Pre-school Teacher 6. Church-Related Camping 13. Teacher Credential Program (elementary) (23 units) 7. Business Administration Detailed information regarding these areas of specialization may be secured in the Christian Education office. (Those students not wishing to specialize in a given area are urged to select the "Director of Christian Education" since it is the most general in nature.) Students desiring to enter the Christian Education major must make application for acceptance into the department prior to the first semester of the junior year, or within the first eight weeks of the junior year for those entering the major as Juniors. The area of specialization should be declared at that time. Applications are available in the Christian Education office. Department Minor: 18 units , including 200, 301, one of the following: 302, 303, 401; and the corresponding observation laboratory. NOTE: The Department encourages graduate study in preparation for most Christian education ministries. Those preparing for seminary should include a language in their study. See a department advisor for details. A course of study leading to the Master of Arts degree is available through Biola' s Graduate School of Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary. Please see the Talbot catalog for details. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those majoring in Christian Education may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language.

200 EDUCATIONAL MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH (3) Introduction to the field of Christian Education to acquaint the student with its scope, functions , problems, and vocational opportunities . 220 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Inductive study applied to Biblical narrative and epistolary literature. 301 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION (4) Leadership, administration, and administrative patterns of church-related agencies and the educational program of the local church. Examination and application of major principles to various programs and Christian organizations. Prerequisite:

200 or Recreation and Camp Administration 100 if a recreation and camp administration major (may be taken concurrently if necessary). 302 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN (4) Needs , characteristics, thought processes and moral development of children, birth through grade 6; methods , resources, programs and issues in children's ministries; church-home educational designs. Prerequisites: 200; Psychology 302 (may be taken concurrently if necessary). 303 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH (3) Adolescents in our culture and ways of appropriately ministering to them, with emphasis on expressing a


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