
251 , 252 SONG LITERATURE-DICTION (1 ,1) See description under 151 , 152 above. 260 A, B KEYBOARD SIGHT READING (1 ,1)

370 JUNIOR RECITAL, 30 minutes (0) Preparation for Junior level applied major 30-minute recital. 390 OPERA WORKSHOP (1-2) The study and performance of chamber operas , one-act operas, and selected Broadway musicals. Offered fall semester only. Open to all students by audition. 405 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: MUSIC SINCE 1920 (2) See description under 105 above. 420 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC LITERATURE (2) An indepth study of music literature as it relates to specific instruments, ensembles, periods of history, geographical locations, individual composers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as piano literature , choral literature , organ literature, instrumental literature (strings , woodwinds , brasses, percussion instruments) , American music, the symphony, the string quartet, the concerto, the sonata. 430 PEDAGOGY (2) For the private teacher. Practical procedures in training a student in general musicianship, memorization , proper practice habits, sight-reading and other areas peculiar to specific instruments. Survey of graded literature and methods. One or more sections will be offered each semester in areas such as: piano, organ, voice , orchestra instruments. 440 CHURCH MUSIC (3) The Biblical foundation for church music; its historical development; and current trends; the development of a church music program. 450 MUSIC PRACTICUM {1-3) Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the Music Faculty and professionals in the field . Open to Junior and Senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty. 460 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION FOR MUSIC MAJORS beyond degree requirements , any music degree objective {1-3) Same areas of instruction as under 121 and 131 above . 470 SENIOR RECITAL, 30 minutes (0) Preparation for Senior level music education major 30-minute recital. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Independent study in areas such as history, literature, pedogogy, church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing and consent of instructor. 490 SENIOR RECITAL, 60 minutes (2) Preparation for Senior level applied major 60-minute recital.

Analysis of sight reading skills and procedures. Emphasis on development of ability to read with musical understanding and adequate fluency at first sight. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. 304 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: MUSIC FROM 1800-1920 (2) See description under 105 above. 310 ELEMENTARY MUSIC WORKSHOP (2) Instruction in materials and procedures for teaching music in the elementary school. (Non-music majors - by permission.) 311 MUSIC THEORY: WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Advanced harmony and structural analysis in larger forms. Impressionism and early twentieth-century devices. Prerequisite: 212. 312 MUSIC THEORY: WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Twentieth century compositional techniques and analysis. Prerequisite: 311. 315 MUSIC THEORY: AURAL EMPHASIS (1) Sight-singing on melodies containing leaps and that are chromatic and/or modulate. Dictation of harmonic passages that are chromatic and/or contain 9th and 13th chords. Prerequisite: 216 320 MUSIC EDUCATION (1) A. Brass; B. Percussion; C. Strings; D. Woodwinds; E. Music Drama; F. Fretted Instruments. Workshops in preparation for teaching instrumental music and music drama in elementary and secondary schools. Includes methods and procedures for teaching beginning students. 323 CONDUCTING (3) Basic conducting skills; the psychology of conducting; observation of choral and orchestral rehearsals. (Advanced conducting, choral or instrumental, is available by private arrangement). 324 ADVANCED STUDIES IN CONDUCTING One or more sections offered periodically in the areas of choral and instrumental conducting. Continuation of the objectives of Music 323 related specifically to the technical and interpretative skills of either choral or instrumental conducting. Prerequisite: 323. 334 PHILOSOPHY OF MUSIC EDUCATION (3) An investigation of philosophies of music education and the resulting aesthetic implications for teaching music in all grades. (Music majors) 340 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC THEORY/COMPOSITION (2-3) One or more courses offered periodically in such areas as: Orchestration , Choral Arranging, Basic Techniques for Arrangers, Electronic Music. Analytical techniques. Prerequisite: 312 or consent of instructor. 350 A, B ADVANCED KEYBOARD SKILLS CLASS (1) Development of skills for church and classroom. Harmonization, sight reading, transposition, modulation , improvisation, score reading. Class instruction. 360 A, B PIANO ACCOMPANYING (2) Study and performance of piano accompaniment for vocal and instrumental literature; discussion of styles and performance practices; experience in public performance.


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