
Department of Psychology


Professors: Lewis, Poelstra (chairman), Sutherland Associate Professor: Wright Assistant Professors: Hulgus, Jensen

Objectives: The Psychology major provides opportunities for the student to interact with the theoretical and practical issues concerning human dynamics, including Biblical considerations. It is intended that the student completing the major in Psychology will be prepared for graduate work and will be better equipped to enter professions dealing with the problems of humanity . Department Major: The Department of Psychology offers two emphases, one in General Psychology and one in Child Psychology. Both emphases require 32 units beyond the general education requirement (Psy 200) , 24 of which must be upper division. Supporting science requirement: Biology 311 as part of the 8 units of general education science and/or mathematics.

General Psychology Emphasis Required Courses: 210, 305, 306, 310, 402 , and 405. Child Psychology Emphasis Required Courses: 210 , 301 , 320, 334, 402, 405, and 430.

Early Childhood Education Program: Open to all majors for elective credit, this program leads to certification by the State of California for Pre-School Education. The program requires 17 units , including 201, 311 , 320, 350, 400, and 430. Department Minor: 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division.

and develop]Tient; role of the teacher and learner; learning theory , motivation, educational evaluation, individual differences, and adjustment. Application within the context of local church ministry and para-church agencies. (For


(Human Development) (3)

Development from conception to old age , emphasizing the effects of genetic endowments and environmental influences on emotional , cognitive, verbal, social, and personality

non-psychology majors only.)

development. Either semester.

304 ADVANCED STATISTICAL METHODS (3) Correlation methods, partial and multiple correlation, simple and factorial analysis of variance and co-variance , linear and multiple regression models. Prerequisite: 210. Offered on


I (3)

Various kinds of schools for young children , their philosophy and program emphasis; Title 22, materials and equipment purchasing; scheduling, staffing, job descriptions; food preparation, parent meetings, practicing nutrition; accident prevention and emergency care. (Not for psychology credit.)

sufficient demand.


Philosophy, methodology, and analysis of the experimental method. Discussions of problems in conducting and evaluating psychological research . Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 210. Laboratory fees $10.00.

Offered every other year.

210 STATISTICS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (4) Elementary statistics for psychological research; literature and computer analysis in sampling, probability, descriptive statistics, basic nonparametric statistics , t-tests , correlation, regression equations , and data processing. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Either semester. Laboratory

Spring semester.

306 APPRAISAL OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES (4) Evaluation and construction of methods for describing and measuring individual differences in intelligence, attitudes, values , perception , and personality organization. Three hours lecture , two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 210. Laboratory fee $7.00. Spring semester. 308 ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Selected topics in the development of cognition , socializ.ation, learning, personality and exceptionality from birth to maturity.

fees $10.00.

213 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning and behavior, relationships and feelings within the Christians secular-Biblical cultural milieu of today. Emphasis given in class to interaction and group discussion as well as cognitive

Prerequisite: 200. Offered on sufficient demand. 309 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (4)

and affective strategies. See Biology 213. 301 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3)

Nature, causes, and treatment of abnormal behavior, including personality disorders , neuroses, psychoses, reactions to stress and other dysfunctions . Field experience required in

Application of social and psychological principles to the educative process; role of the teacher and learner; motivation , intelligence, transfer of learning, measurement; influences of cultural values and American social structure on schools, school systems; recent outstanding contributions in research and experimentation. Prerequisite: 210. Fall semester.

Mental Health facility. Prerequisite: 200. 310 RESEARCH IN LEARNING (4)

Empirical findings and theoretical developments in the area of learning and their application to human behavior. Three hours lecture , three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 200, 210.


Laboratory fee $5.00. Fall semester.

Major issues of educational psychology including background


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