
Department of Sociology


Professor: Nishida (chairman) Associate Professors: Corwin , Murphy Assistant Professor: Fox

Objectives: The Sociology major is designed to acquaint the student with the principal problems and issues in sociology; to teach application of knowledge to occupations and professions and to prepare for further graduate study. Upon completion of the major in Sociology, the student should be able to identify the foremost individuals , their work and major ideas of any given period of the development of social thought; use in a meaningful way the terminology of sociology and other social sciences so as to evaluate the content of learned periodicals and converse with others in the related fields; feel a deep personal concern for human need due to a systematic exposure to the pressing social dilemmas that face us daily; appreciate the relevance of sociological insight to the Christian who would be aware, caring, progressive and productive; clarify the basic tensions between sociology and theology (both actual and imagined); defend the study of sociology as a desirable Christian liberal arts major and as a necessary prerequisite for a wide range of professional fields; develop a rather well-defined personal theoretical orientation in terms of past as we ll as existing social theory; participate with social and religious agencies on a paraprofessional level through direct involvement in social work, correctional work, rehabilitation, hot line service or counselling; formulate sound critical judgments of current social research; conduct independent study or research and produce scholarly results; and proceed to graduate school with a competitive undergraduate background of preparation for both professional Christian ministries and work in government agencies dealing with probation, welfare, police protection and other public services in sociology and related fields . Department Major: 30 units , of which 24 must be upper division, including 220, 442 and 443. In addition , Math 201 is required as a supporting course. Department Minor: 15 units of upper division courses. minority-majority relationships and racial, ethnic, and cultural 220 SOCIOLOGY (3) groups.

Sociological concepts with emphasis on group life, culture, socialization , social institutions, social processes and change. Theoretical as well as practical application of interaction and


The urban community and urbanization; its growth, institutions, values and problems; scientific study of population from the spatial patterning and mobility viewpoint; effect of urbanization upon institutions; social relations and

its effect on individuals in groups.



national economy.

An appraisal of social work as a profession ; and the personal and spiritual qualifications necessary to enter social work. Field visits to selected social agencies; guest lecturers. Open


J?opulation theory, composition , distribution, growth and migration with differential fertility and mortality rates of groups and nations; national and international migration and

to all interested students.


overpopulation problems.

Preparation for marriage through proper mate selection process; benefits, challenges and problems of the marital dyad; economic, legal , physical , sexual , social , psychological and spiritual areas of analysis of American courtship and marriage patterns; Christian and non-Christian perspectives.

351 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL THOUGHT (3) Outstanding social thinkers of the 19th Century; ideas of men compared and contrasted within the various societies as background to the development of social thought.



The processes by which conformity of the individual to the group is obtained and by which social organization is

Character, extent and cause of juvenile delinquency; both personal and environmental. Past and current theories of youth crime; modern methods of incarceration , control and treatment. Changing response of the laws , police, courts and

established and maintained.


Sociological contributions to theory and research in social psychology bearing on the relationship between culture and group life to human behavior and personality; analysis of symbolic processes, role behavior, psycho-social processes and social reference groups; socialization and the social aspect, attitudes , values and beliefs in relationship to groups. Prerequisite: Math 332. 356 SOCIOLOGY OF ADULT LIFE AND AGING (3) Nature, theory and functions of aging; existing approaches to death and dying. Western and non-western experiences

the public.


Social and psychological factors in criminal behavior; criminal law and criminal justice; prevention and control: trends in theory and correctional procedures, probation , parole. 342 ETHNIC AND MINORITY GROUPS (3) Analysis of ethnic, racial and cultural minorities in the United States through use of basic concepts of race , racism , prejudice, discrimination , stereotypes; theoretical as well as practical application of concepts and effects on selected



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