


Plants and animals in their natural habitat; emphasis given to taxonomy, morphology, and population dynamics. Summer only. May be substituted for 401. Not open to those who have taken 252. Laboratory Fee $20.00. 460 PREMED PRACTICUM (1) Professionally supervised observation, demonstration and study in a local medical or dental facility . Introduction to health care philosophies, hospital and patient routines, personnel, instrumentation and specific treatment practices. Case study and research paper required. Thirty hours of observation . Prerequisite: 312 and petition filed with Pre-Medical Advisory Committee a semester prior to enrollment. 470 SEMINAR IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (1) Literature research followed by oral presentation , group discussion, and evaluation; independent thought and study stressed . May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Open to Biology majors only.

Theory and application of bright field , dark field , phase contrast, polarizing, scanning and transmission microscopes. Preparation techniques of biological materials for , and observation with electron microscopes emphasized. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 111 , 312. Ornithology Systematics, distribution, physiology, behavior, and ecology of birds. Field identification emphasized . Prerequisite: 110 or consent. Laboratory Fee $20.00. 450 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Literature and laboratory research of a specific subject or technique in biology; advanced students gain experience in experimental design, laboratory investigation, and technical writing. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and consent one semester in advance.


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