
202 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR NURSING (2) Concepts of adaptation to stress as related to synergistic man, current trends and emerging role of the professional nurse. Two tracts offered: generic student and registered nurse

415 NURSING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (2) Concepts of stress, shock and emergency care and their relationship to health workers overseas. In-depth study of nutrition , community health , nursing assessment, establishment of clinics, and coping without a physician. Open to Registered Nurses , Licensed Vocational Nurses , and all clinical nursing majors. Offered Intersession only. 416 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS IN NURSING (2) Basic skills involved in relationships between Christian workers in health care provision. Verbal/non-verbal communication , time and resource management discussed with emphasis on missionary problems. Open to Registered Nurses , Licensed Vocational Nurses, and all clinical nursing majors. Offered Intersession only. 420 EPISODIC NURSING - THEORY (2) Examination of stress-response process of complex cardiopulmonary, renal , neurological, and metabolic adaptation problems in the intrapersonal system and its impact on the interpersonal system. Prerequisites: 302, Biology 221. 420 EPISODIC NURSING - CLINICAL (3) Application of concepts of complex stress-response processes for assessment, planning and giving care to multi-cultural individuals in the acute care setting. 430 ADVANCED DISTRIBUTIVE NURSING-THEORY (3) Combines nursing theory with concepts of community health and community mental health. Prerequisites: 400, 410, 420. 430 ADVANCED DISTRIBUTIVE NURSING-CLINICAL (5) Opportunity to demonstrate proficient use of the nursing process with individuals, families and communities in promotion and maintenance of adaptation. 440 RURAL CLINICAL NURSE PLACEMENT PROJECT (3-4) A clinical enrichment experience for Community Health Nursing. An educational opportunity in rural nursing in northern California in settings such as home nursing service, public health departments, Indian health projects, rural physician's offices, and acute and convalescent hospitals. Prerequisite: 430. Offered Intersession only. 441 INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH (2) Theory basic to nursing research. Defining problems and formulating appropriate study designs examined. Prerequisites: 400, 410, 420, and Statistics. 442 APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH (1) Critique literature, develop a basic research proposal or initiate a research project. Prerequisite: 441. 450 ADVANCED EPISODIC NURSING-THEORY (2) Combines theory of leadership and nursing care delivery systems with advanced concepts of medical-surgical nursing to focus on practice in the acute health care setting. Prerequisites: 400, 410, 420. 450 ADVANCED EPISODIC NURSING­ CLINICAL (3, 3) Leadership concepts and behavior synthesized and utilized in planning, giving and directing care for a group of clients. Students also elect either a primary nursing or critical care component.

student. Prerequisite to all nursing courses. 205 SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTION (3)

Use of the nursing process for identifying and meeting the spiritual needs of clients, including utilization of prayer, Scripture, and other resources. Open to Registered Nurses , Licensed Vocational Nurses and all nursing majors. Offered Intersession only. 301 NURSING OF THE FAMILY I - THEORY (5) Stress-adaptation process from infancy through late maturity. Implementation of nursing process is focused upon promotion of adaptation in the intrapersonal , interpersonal and community systems. Prerequisite: 202. 301 NURSING OF THE FAMILY I - CLINICAL (5) Cl inical component of 301. 302 NURSING OF THE FAMILY II - THEORY (5) Continuation of 301 with greater emphasis on patho­ physiology and stress response process. Prerequisite: 301. 302 NURSING OF THE FAMILY II - CLINICAL (4) Clinical component of 302. 305 PHARMACOLOGY (3) The study of (1) the effects produced by chemicals; (2) the site(s) at which and mechanism(s) by which the biological effects are produced; (3) the fate of a chemical agent in the body: its absorption, distribution and elimination; (4) the factors which influence the safety and effectiveness of an agent; (5) the toxic effects of chemicals as well as of the mechanisms and conditions of occurrence of these harmful effects; and (6) the application of drugs in the prevention , treatment or diagnosis of disease and their use in purposeful alterative of normal functions . 320 DIRECTED INDIVIDUAL STUDIES (1-3) Permits students to pursue special interests related to the profession of nursing. Open to clinical nursing majors only with written consent of instructor. May be repeated with different content up to a total of six units . 400 EPISODIC MENTAL HEALTH NURSING-THEORY (1) Concepts related to nursing of adults with problems of adaptation resulting in psychopathology. Selected treatment modalities presented. Prerequisite: 302. 400 EPISODIC MENTAL HEAL TH NURSING-CLINICAL (2) Application of theoretical content in an episodic patient care setting. 410 NURSING OF THE FAMILY lll - THEORY (6) A family-centered approach utilizing the nursing process and applying stress-adaptation theory related to childbearing and childrearing. Prerequisites: 302, Biology 221. 410 NURSING OF THE FAMILY lll - CLINICAL (6) Application of theoretical content in episodic and distributive settings.


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